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A helicopter crash in Antarctica has claimed the lives of two people and injured three. Those of us involved in the International Polar Year express our deep sadness at the news. We hope for a speedy return to full health for those injured, and we remember with admiration and appreciation the skill and dedication of our partners.
AWI press release (German)
NIOZ press release (Dutch)
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MEDIA ADVISORY: MARCH 12TH: IPY DAY FOCUSSING ON CHANGING EARTH download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ??????? Russian March 3rd, 2008 On March 12th, 2008, the International Polar Year (IPY) will launch its third 'International Polar Day', focusing on our Changing Earth; with a specific focus on Earth history as discovered through paleoclimate records ...
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Sunday, 02 March 2008 01:03
ITASE Synthesis Workshop - Castine, Maine, 2-5 September 2008
Written by Louise Huffman
ITASE Synthesis Workshop
Castine, Maine 2-5 Sept. 2008
Purpose: To integrate and synthesize research produced by ITASE (International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition) and associated scientific activities.
To take Antarctica from the most sparsely sampled continent with respect to instrumental era climate to the best sampled for the last 200-1000 years, because of the extremely critical role that Antarctic climate change plays in global climate change (oceans, atmosphere, biological systems), and for the purpose of refining predictions of future climate change.To determine where and how Antarctic physical and chemical climate has or has ...
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News And Announcements
Submitted February 25:
A Wirral, UK, school student is about to set out on the trip of a lifetime to the Canadian High Arctic, as part of an International Polar Year science programme.
Emma Brown, a sixth-former at West Kirby Grammar School, will be joining a two-week international scientific expedition, which includes a week on board Canada's state-of-the-art research icebreaker, the CCGS Amundsen.
Emma won the chance to represent the UK on the expedition when she entered a competition run by the Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory in Liverpool. Her presentation on climate change in the Arctic and her enthusiasm in wanting to help communicate the issues greatly impressed the panel of judges.
Emma said, 'I'm so excited about...
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News And Announcements
April 28-May 1, 2008
Houghton, Michigan USA
This is the first announcement for the 2008 Workshop of the LASHIPA (Large-scale historical exploitation of Polar Areas) group. An international organization centered around the historical and archaeological study of industrialization in Polar Areas, the LASHIPA group has cooperated successfully on several seasons of research and teaching based in fieldwork on Svalbard (see for details). LASHIPA members have garnered research funding from several national agencies and continue to pursue support for joint efforts during the next two years, at minimum. LASHIPA has been officially sanctioned as an IPY research activity, with explicit attention to international cooperation and...
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News And Announcements
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state.
Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska’s interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 28 February 2008 20:54
University of Alaska Fairbanks professor creates musical composition for International Polar Year
Written by IPY Alaska
Feb. 26, 2008:
What started as a quick idea to spice-up an International Polar Year event has resulted in a full-length musical composition in celebration of polar science and the uniqueness of the north.
University of Alaska Fairbanks Associate Professor James Bicigo recently completed a composition for brass ensemble based on his “Polar Fanfare,” which premiered at UAF’s IPY kick-off celebration last year. The full-length piece, titled “Polar Synthesis” includes five movements, each based on a northern theme.
“The movements are titled Polar Fanfare, Aurora, Polar Bears, Break up- Climate Change and Synthesis- Understanding,” says Bicigo. “I’m really excited about the way the last movement ties together the themes from the fi...
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Dear friends,
The next International Polar Day, focussing on our Changing Earth, is in two weeks. We have prepared a number of webpages, resources, and links to relevant IPY science. These can all be accessed from the link on (top right), or directly at
There are also three aspects of particular interest that I hope you can inform your networks about:
Flyers can be downloaded from the educators page at
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News And Announcements
Dear friends,
The next International Polar Day, focussing on our Changing Earth, is in two weeks. We have prepared a number of webpages, resources, and links to relevant IPY science. These can all be accessed from the link on (top right), or directly at
There are also three aspects of particular interest that I hope you can inform your networks about:
Flyers can be downloaded from the educators page at
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