Dear friends,
The next International Polar Day, focussing on our Changing Earth, is in two weeks. We have prepared a number of webpages, resources, and links to relevant IPY science. These can all be accessed from the link on (top right), or directly at
There are also three aspects of particular interest that I hope you can inform your networks about:
Flyers can be downloaded from the educators page at
Information flyers about the science being discussed are available in 9 languages:
English, Russian, Portugese, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Inuktitut, and Arabic.
Educational flyers encouraging participation in the Day and suggesting a simple classroom activity are available in 19 languages:
Russian, Polish, Spanish, Afrikaans, Malay, German, Swedish, Danish, English, Dutch, Portugese, French, Finnish, Norwegian, Chinese, Inuktitut, Japanese, Arabic, and Italian.
Please download and distribute the appropriate flyer across your networks. Alternatively, I am happy to send you the relevant flyer for your language.
Many thanks to the many volunteers who helped make these translations.
We encourage everyone, whether IPY participant, journalist, teacher, student, or other enthusiast, to launch a balloon and show your IPY participation. This is one of the few global IPY initiatives that provides feedback about which areas we are accessing, and so helps us develop our future programmes.
The page is already active so have a try now,- and ask students to launch a balloon after learning something about the polar regions. Simple instructions, and the interactive map, can be found at
In case of technical difficulties, you can alternatively email
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with details of name, location (lat, lon or town, country), and IPY message.
Four live events will be occurring to celebrate this Day. Full details of these activities, and how to join, can be found at
First Event: World Ocean Observatory
Technology required: internet and computer with sound
Time: March 12, 2008 @ 01.00.00 UTC
Second Event: ARCUS PolarTrec Live From IPY
Technology required: phone (minimum) and internet (optional)
Time: March 12, 2008 between 18.00 - 20.00 UTC
Third Event; IGLO/NASA videoconferencing I
Technology required: turn up to one of the local science centres in Mexico, Beijing, & Melbourne, or watch the webcast.
Time: midnight UTC (night of March 12th, morning March 13th)
Fourth Event; IGLO/NASA videoconferencing II
Technology required: turn up to one of the local science centres in Chicago, Cardiff, Lisbon, Egypt, and Cape Town, or watch the webcast.
Time: 13.00 UTC March 13th
We hope you, and your networks, will enjoy the day and Get Involved!
best wishes,
and the IPY Education and Outreach Team