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Notes from Summit Station, Greenland:
The spring equinox approaches, but up at Summit, the only thing blooming is the fern frost on the windows of this US National Science Foundation-operated research outpost. Still, signs of spring and the coming research period abound: brightening skies, a lengthy list of pre-season tasking, and, above all, the arrival last month of the phase-three winter crew. Like the few scouts who precede the swallows to San Juan Capistrano, this team focuses on readying the place for the coming legion of scientists.
We asked manager Ken Jessen to tell us how the team is getting along. He offers a glimpse of what it’s like to be part of a foursome stashed away on the Greenland ice cap at the dawn of the second half of the fourth IPY....
Sunday, 23 March 2008 07:30
Last ship sailing in mammoth polar ocean science effort
Written by Louise Huffman
Media release: 22 March 2008
The final sailing south in the world’s largest Southern Ocean climate experiment gets underway today when the Aurora Australis sets sail from Hobart.
Aurora Australis is the last of 20 international research vessels deploying instruments in the Southern Ocean as part of an International Polar Year (IPY) experiment known as CASO, for Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
The Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC) is leading the voyage, which includes a team of researchers from the Centre’s partner organisations includ- ing the Alfred Wegner Institute (Germany) and the National Institue of Water and Atmospher- ic Research (New Zealand).
“By pooling resources, s...
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008 05:51
Canadian Science Writers' Association 2008 Conference - registration now open
Written by Louise Huffman
Columbus, Ohio …This year and next, middle school teachers have a unique opportunity to engage their students in one of the most massive scientific programs ever undertaken--the International Polar Year. Scientists from 60 countries are studying changes in the polar regions while many other groups are involved in educating the public via content-rich web sites, real-time broadcasts, and exhibits.
How to make this complex undertaking accessible to students is the subject of Science and the Polar Regions, an online publication from the Middle School Portal of the National Science Digital Library.
Mary LeFever, author of the publication, has identified more than three-dozen web-based resources for use in the middle school classroom. Among them are activities t...
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Monday, 17 March 2008 20:16
International Polar Year Offers a Wealth of Science Resources for Middle Schools
Written by Louise Huffman
Columbus, Ohio …This year and next, middle school teachers have a unique opportunity to engage their students in one of the most massive scientific programs ever undertaken--the International Polar Year. Scientists from 60 countries are studying changes in the polar regions while many other groups are involved in educating the public via content-rich web sites, real-time broadcasts, and exhibits.
How to make this complex undertaking accessible to students is the subject of Science and the Polar Regions, an online publication from the Middle School Portal of the National Science Digital Library.
Mary LeFever, author of the publication, has identified more than three-dozen web-based resources for use in the middle school classroom. Among them are activities t...
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Wednesday, 12 March 2008 19:32
ICED-IPY and the Changing Earth; Past, Present and Future
Written by ICED-IPY
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pic: Icicles form as meltwater drips from winter sea ice grounded as the tide drops. Rothera Point, Adelaide Island, Antarctica. Pete Bucktrout (British Antarctic Survey)
In order to understand how climate change is affecting the Southern Ocean ecosystem, it is necessary to understand the context in which change occurs. What was the Southern Ocean ecosystem like 10 years ago, 50 years ago or 5,000 years ago?
Long-term monitoring combined with techniques which provide clues about the distant past, suc...
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Contents: 1. Current Expeditions 2. APECS update 3. The Second SAON Workshop 9-11 April 4. The Legacies of IPY 5. UNEP Children's Conference,- call for material 6. IPY Science Day: Changing Earth, March 12th 2008 Report no. 11, March 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Current Expeditions The initial season of IPY activities on the Antarctic continent gradually comes to an end. If you follow the blogs on, you have read the stories of traverses, sea ice cruises, and geophysical sensor deployments. Many of those researchers and staff start their way northward. We ...
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Saturday, 08 March 2008 22:33
Stratospheric ozone chemistry plays an important role for atmospheric airflow patterns
Written by Louise Huffman
PRESS RELEASE Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Polar- und Meeresforschung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Institute for Polar and Marine Research Stratospheric ozone chemistry plays an important role for atmospheric airflow patterns Still too much uncertainty in today's climate models Interactions between the stratospheric ozone chemistry and atmospheric air flow lead to significant changes of airflow patterns from the ground up to the stratosphere. This is the result of climate simulations, which have just been published in the journal "Geophysical Research Letters" (Brand et al, Geophys. Res. Lett.). Scientists at the Research Unit Potsdam of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, which is a member of th...
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 3, 2008 Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Magazine
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614-688-3485 NSDL Middle School Portal
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607-255-2702 National Science Digital Library Online Magazine for Elementary Teachers Brings Polar Issues Into Classrooms Nationwide Columbus, Ohio-March 3, 2008 Blockbuster movies and even soft drink commercials have made our planet's polar regions and their inhabitants popular culture superstars. At the same time many peo...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 07 March 2008 23:07
Bringing the Southern Ocean into the classroom
Written by CAML- Tangaroa
New Zealand Science Learning Hub website is featuring New Zealand's IPY research voyage to Antarctica and is bringing weekly themes which are linked to the curriculum, from the scientists and crew on board the RV Tangaroa. The New Zealand Science Learning Hub features science reports, photos, video and data from the ship and associated classroom activities as well as a question and answer section for teachers and their students to the scientists. For further information go to or contact Julie Hall at
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