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David Carlson
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IPO Closes
Today we close the International Programme Office for IPY. I thank Chris for his vote of confidence. I thank Ian, Michel and Jeronimo and friends at BAS for enduring support. I thank Cynan and Odd for guidance. I thank Amber and Jenny and Hugues
Polar Information Commons
Visit the Polar Information Commons at the Oslo Science Conference!
The Polar Information Commons (PIC) creates a fast and easy-to-use open data resource accessible through normal search and browse tools. Using PIC tools, investigators quickly expose their data to the world and share them, thereby contributing to a repository for scientific data and information about the polar regions and participating in an innovative community-based infrastructure. The PIC goal is to rapidly enhance international and interdisciplinary research, education, planning, and management for the polar regions.
In Oslo, a PIC information area will demonstrate the PIC tools, highlight recent data advances and data services from many polar data centres (and PIC partners), and present an array of fresh and free polar information, from IPY IPO, UNEP, University of the Arctic, and others. Visit PIC to receive your complimentary copy of the new IPY book Polar Science and Global Climate - An International Resource for Education and Outreach.
For more information about PIC, follow this link to the Polar Information Commons website.
IPY Early Results Workshop in Canada
Canadian IPY researchers gathered in Ottawa, Canada, to report their IPY activities and to share initial results and highlights.
More than 250 people gathered in Ottawa, Canada, for an IPY Early Results Workshop. Stimulated and organized by the Government of Canada Program for IPY, the workshop allowed leaders of more than 50 Canadian-led IPY projects to report their activities and share their initial results and highlights. One could hear the latest research news in sea ice, ocean circulation, atmospheric transport of contaminants, marine ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, hydrology, butterflies, permafrost, caribou, vegetation, sea birds, and northern health - fresh views of the many facets of Arctic systems. Although focused within the broad Arctic expanses of Canada, most of these projects had extensive international connections and partnerships. One heard many references to activities and presentations planned for the Oslo Science Conference in June 2010, as well as growing interest and an emerging vision for the Canada 2012 IPY conference planned for April 2012 in Montreal.
Polar View Success
Arctic Marine Sciences Early Career Workshop
The UK Polar Network (UKPN), British branch of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) organizes a series of workshops for early career scientists. The 2nd workshop will take place in
IPY Report: August 2009
4. Changes to IPY Website
7. ICSU Visioning process for Earth System Research
ICSU Consultation Process for Earth System Research
A Vision for Earth System Research: Have Your Say
IPY in Brazil
IPY Poster for Education Conference in Brazil
We know that many partners represent IPY in events around the world. Our partner, Miriam Almeida, produced an informative poster for an education conference in Brazil. Even if you don't read Portuguese, you will get a sense of the activities and energy and you can enjoy the pictures. Download the poster, below.