Monitoring of Development of Traditional Indigenous Land Use Areas in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Northwest Russia
Intensive oil-and-gas development occurs in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, northwestern Russia. Severe impacts occur on the environment and on the situation of the indigenous reindeer herders. The project aims at monitoring the situation and producing a GIS database, which documents oil-related and traditional activities and can be used to promote interests of traditional land users. The participation of the Association of Nenets People Yasavey will ensure that local indigenous peoples’ knowledge and viewpoints are taken care of. Local GIS expertise, administration and Russian legal expertise is attached to the project. A working group of international experts formed to evaluate attained data. (Click on map for a larger downloadable version.)Partners:
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Monday, 01 January 2007 22:16
MODIL-NAO: Traditional Indigenous Land Use Areas in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Northwest Russia
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