The International Polar Year Data and Information Service (IPYDIS) is an international federation of data centers, archives, and networks working to ensure proper stewardship of IPY and related data. The National Snow and Ice Data Center seeks to act as a coordination office for the IPYDIS to ensure the long term preservation of and broad, interdisciplinary, and non-expert access to IPY data.
The IPYDIS is guided by the IPY Data Policy and Management Subcommittee, which is presently developing an overall IPY data strategy. To help develop this strategy, IPY Project coordinators are asked to complete the IPYDIS Data Registration Form. As this site develops, you will find assistance on compliance with standards, identification of archives, development of the union catalogue, and other data management requirements for IPY.
The IPYDIS, through its Data Coordination Office, plans to visibly track the data flow for IPY. In collaboration with the International Polar Year Programme office, it will develop a data registry that will continue throughout the IPY. Ultimately, this site may provide a portal to IPY and related data.