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Friday, 14 November 2008 21:35
Canada IPY Speaker Series & Youth Forums Update
Written by Louise Huffman
POLAR PERSPECTIVES is now well underway, taking place at 15 venues across the country, in each of Canada's provinces and territories! This National IPY event is supported by the Government of Canada’s International Polar Year Program, the Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, the Alliance of Natural History Museums of Canada, Students on Ice, the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and Canadian Geographic Magazine. The Speaker Series consists of an evening lecture program delivered to a general audience by prominent scientists, writers, artists, filmmakers, adventurers and leaders. It is intended to ...
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Monday, 10 November 2008 07:04
First Census of Marine Life report: Deep-sea octopuses originate from Antarctic waters
Written by Louise Huffman
Press release: Scientists report major steps towards first census of marine life Meeting in Spain, global crew shares progress towards historic Census in 2010; Among revelations in fourth interim global report: Antarctic ancestry of many octopus species, Behemoth bacteria, colossal sea stars, mammoth mollusks, more The 2,000-strong community of Census of Marine Life scientists from 82 nations today announced astonishing ex...
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Friday, 07 November 2008 20:21
University courses in Antarctica? Join the First Ever University Expedition to Antarctica
Written by Louise Huffman
Experience and learn about climate change first hand in the Antarctic!
Gatineau, Qc.—6 November, 2008—Students on Ice Expeditions is accepting applications for the International Polar Year (IPY) Antarctic University Expedition 2009, a two week ship-based field course leaving Argentina on February 14th, 2009 returning February 28. This expedition provides a wonderful opportunity to study in one of the most exceptional and remote places on Earth. Our theme for this expedition is ‘Environmental Leadership’ and weaves itself through our education program in conjunction with our ongoing exploration of the ...
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News And Announcements
Press release: Scientists report major steps towards first census of marine life
Meeting in Spain, global crew shares progress towards historic Census in 2010;
Among revelations in fourth interim global report:
Antarctic ancestry of many octopus species,
Behemoth bacteria, colossal sea stars, mammoth mollusks, more
The 2,000-strong community of Census of Marine Life scientists from 82 nations today announced astonishing ex...
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IPY Report: November 2008 1. Conferences and Workshops 2. Above The Poles 3. Norway 2010: thanks for submissions 4. APECS 5. IPY in photos: share your images 6. Polar Books Report no. 19, November 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Conferences and Workshops The completion of field campaigns in IPY necessarily means an increase in workshops to discuss the outcomes. Please check the calendar on for workshop information, and send any information about workshops for the calendar t...
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Thursday, 30 October 2008 13:31
In which way does climate change affect the complex interaction in ecosystems?
Written by Louise Huffman
A perspective for a network of ecological and physiological research
Bremerhaven, October 28th 2008. Changes to marine ecosystems caused by climatic conditions show how closely physiological and ecological processes are intertwined. This is described by Prof. Dr. Hans-Otto Pörtner, physiological ecologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association, in the current issue of the periodical Science.
Results of physiological and ecological research have shown in recent years that the temperature-dependent performance window of a species is crucial for its sensitivity to global warming. It determines its ability to grow, breed, forage and to compete for space or resources against other species under different temper...
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Friday, 24 October 2008 17:02
Mosaic of Antarctica: a visual Installation of Glass Maps
Written by Louise Huffman
Mosaic of Antarctica: a visual Installation of Glass Maps
By polar artist Lucinda Wilkinson
Mosaic of Antarctica is a visual installation comprising of at least 30 glass maps showing detailed areas of the Antarctic ice sheets and sea ice, highlighting the changing patterns of ice in its accumulation and discharge due to environmental warming. In the production of this installation explored areas have been transcripted onto glass panels using imagery from Mosaic of Antarctica (Radarsat and Modis) and the new satellite data Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA). This is the most detailed map produced yet from sc...
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Monday, 20 October 2008 23:21
Polar Book wins Victorian Premiers Literary Awards
Written by Polar Books
On Sept 1 it was announced in Melbourne that Meredith Hooper won the Nettie Palmer Prize for Non-Fiction 2008 for her book ,The Ferocious Summer, (Profile Books UK, Allen & Unwin Australia, Greystone Books USA and Canada). These prestigious awards were established in 1985 by the Premier of Victoria to mark the centenary of the births of Vance and Nettie Palmer – distinguished writers and critics in Victorian and Australian literary culture. Meredith’s citation reads: This book effortlessly gives the reader a lucid yet crucial understanding of what climate change is doing to penguins in the Antarctic and by extension to our world. Important information is engrossingly conveyed on every page through the engaging yet unsentimental voice of a super...
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Monday, 20 October 2008 22:42
COSEE-West Online Educator Workshop: "Weather, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change"
Written by Louise Huffman
The Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence-West (COSEE-West) would like to invite formal and informal educators to participate in an exciting online workshop, "Weather, Sea Level Rise and Climate Change," to be held this November 2008. This invitation is open to any educators who are interested in learning more about how scientists are studying climate change and its accompanying effects on our planet.
The online workshop environment will include "rooms" to ask questions of keynote speakers and to hold discussions with other educators around the country and the world. COSEE-West will also post supporting teacher resources in the online environment.
When: November 3 - 23, 2008
Who: Formal and informal educators
Where: College of Exp...
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