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The previously untold complete story of the first vessel to reach the North Pole, the nuclear submarine USS Nautilus, will be released in July 2008 by Thomas Nelson Publishers. The book is written by Captain William Anderson, the captain of Nautilus for the trip, and by best-selling author Don Keith. THE ICE DIARIES tells the inside story of how Nautilus made three attempts to reach the North Pole beneath the polar ice pack. The first two almost ended tragically. The third attempt took the submarine and her crew of 116 through the North Pole, from Pacific to Atlantic, in late July and early August 1958 via the long sought Northwest Passage. The data collected about navigation in those high latitudes, the oceans, the sea bottom, and the pack ice contributed mightily to future exploration of...
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008 23:44
Field Notes: Inuit ecology and the changing sea ice
Written by Polar Field Services
The latest edition of field notes, the magazines of CH2M HILL's Polar Field Services, is out. In this issue (PDF): Learn how Shari Gearheard, a research scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder's National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSDIC), is combining the rich ecological knowledge of the Inuit with scientific investigations to better understand just how the sea ice in three arctic communities is changing. Read about how Fairbanks residents celebrated their frozen habitat ...
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PRESS RELEASE Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Polar- und Meeresforschung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Institute for Polar and Marine Research Communications Dept. Postfach 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven/Germany Tel. ++49 471 4831-1376, Fax ++49 471 4831-1389 email:
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The Antarctic deep sea gets colder RV Polarstern finished first Antarctic field season within the International Polar Year Bremerhaven, April 21, 2008. The Antarctic deep sea gets colder, which might stimulate the circulation of the oceanic water masses. This is the first result of the Polarstern expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association that has just ended in Punta Arenas/Chi...
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Please find enclosed a poster (PDF) announcing the IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS 2009 Joint Assembly to be held in Montreal, Québec, Canada in July 2009. We would like to invite the international atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric research community to this 2009 Joint Assembly, to be held in July 2009 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Should you have any questions regarding this request or the Assembly itself, please do not hesitate to contact Christine Saintonge directly at the numbers indicated below. 613-993-9495 /
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fax: 613-993-7250 Assistant to the Conference Manager / Conference Services Office / Administrative Services and ...
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A feature in Plentymag this week features the IPY Project SIKU: Sea Ice Knowledge and Use. "SIKU (the term, appropriately, is also the most common Eskimo/Inuit word for sea ice) is a consortium of projects involving research in more than 20 communities in Alaska, Canada, Russia, and Greenland. While researchers in each country are pursuing their own agendas and using different approaches, they are united under one common theme: recording indigenous knowledge of sea ice. Unlike many traditional research projects, which rely on data and measurements obtained directly by scientists, SIKU researchers are interested in the personal perspectives and observations of Arctic peop...
ANTARCTIC CLIMATE & ECOSYSTEMS COOPERATIVE RESEARCH CENTRE Media Release embargoed until 10:00 am 17 April 2008 Polar Year expedition returns with evidence of ocean change The Aurora Australis returns to Hobart this morning, after completing a major oceanographic expedition across the Southern Ocean. The Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (CASO) voyage obtained the most accurate and complete measurements of the ocean currents between Australia and Antarctica yet taken, providing important information that will improve models used to predict climate change. “We have collected a remarkable data set of observations from the Southern Ocean, covering a wide range of physical, chemical and bio...
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PRESS RELEASE Alfred-Wegener-Institut for Polar- und Meeresforschung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Institute for Polar and Marine Research Communications Dept. Postfach 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven/Germany Tel. ++49 471 4831-2008, Fax ++49 471 4831-1389 email:
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Methane sources over the last 30,000 years New insights into natural changes in atmospheric methane concentrations Bremerhaven, April 17, 2008. Ice cores are essential for climate research, because they represent the only archive which allows direct measurements of atmospheric composition and greenhouse gas concentrations in the past. Using novel isotopic studies, scientists from the European Project for Ice Coring In Antarctica (EPICA) w...
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Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Communications Dept.
Postfach 12 01 61, 27515 Bremerhaven/Germany
Tel. ++49 471 4831-1376, Fax ++49 471 4831-1389
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Seven months on a drifting ice floe
Drift expedition NP 35 has produced unique data about the hibernal atmosphere above the central Arctic
Bremerhaven, April 14, 2008
For the first time, a German has taken part in a Russian drift expedition and has explored the atmosphere above the central Arctic during the polar night. Jürgen Graeser, a member of the Potsdam Research Unit of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and M...
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Tuesday, 15 April 2008 15:02
History of Winter (HOW) / Global Snowflake Network (GSN) Now on YouTube
Written by Global Snowflake Network
History of Winter-HOW introduction.
The History of Winter (HOW) program is comprised of a one week professional development/"teacher as scientist" cryosphere science training camp, held annually during mid February in Lake Placid, New York. Each year the NASA Goddard HOW program selects a diverse group of teachers from around the country to participate in a comprehensive study of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
The winter landscape is used as a "teacher" to better understand snow and ice processes and the impact of weather and climate at the micro and mesoscale. Snow in the air and on the ground, ice on Earth and in the Solar System, its crystal structure and axial orientation, and the ecosystem consequences of snow and ice constitute the week-long co...
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