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IPY Australia
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Thursday, 04 December 2008 09:15
Solar Linkages to Atmospheric Processes
Solar Linkages to Atmospheric Processes (SLAP) is an International Polar Year project investigating the links between changes in solar output and weather and climate. Thunderstorms and lightning strikes drive electricity around the world and form part of a global 'atmospheric electric circuit' that flows between the ground and the lower reaches of the ionosphere – about 80km up. Thunderstorms and electrified clouds are the 'batteries' of the atmospheric electric circuit, which drive the current from the ground to the ionosphere, while lightning is a visual representation of the current. The flow of current around the world is modulated by cosmic rays, whic...
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Thursday, 08 January 2009 19:33
New issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine
The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has published several further issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine:
The latest issue of the Australian Antarctic Magazine (Issue 15, 2008) looks at the changes wrought in Antarctica by the signing of the Antarctic Treaty 50 years ago; ocean acidification; and Australia's science program for 2009. It is also available as a PDF.
Issue 13 looks at the connections between Antarctic science and policy and how the Australian Antar...
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Tuesday, 23 September 2008 17:52
Australia Post celebrates International Polar Year 2007–08
For Immediate Release, Tuesday 16 September 2008
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Australia Post celebrates International Polar Year 2007–08
Australia’s role in International Polar Year 2007–08 is recognised by Australia Post with a four-stamp issue highlighting Australia’s important contribution to the science disciplines of astronomy, glaciology, oceanography and marine biology.
This new Australian Antarctic Territories stamp issue, designed by Melbourne-based Chris Shurey, comprises two 55c stamps (astronomy and glaciology) and two $1.10 stamps (oceanography and marine biology), with some imagery captured by the scientists during their resear...
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Wednesday, 09 July 2008 04:00
Australian Antarctic Magazine, issue 14, now available for download
What's it like to be a research scientist working in the Arctic and Antarctica? In celebration of the International Polar Year, the Exploratorium gave polar scientists cameras and blogs and asked them to document their fieldwork in real time. The result is a groundbreaking Web-based project, Ice Stories: Dispatches from Polar Scientists (, where you can follow along on the scientists’ research, ask questions, and share ...
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Thursday, 17 April 2008 10:00
Aurora Australis docks with new climate data
ANTARCTIC CLIMATE & ECOSYSTEMS COOPERATIVE RESEARCH CENTRE Media Release embargoed until 10:00 am 17 April 2008 Polar Year expedition returns with evidence of ocean change The Aurora Australis returns to Hobart this morning, after completing a major oceanographic expedition across the Southern Ocean. The Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean (CASO) voyage obtained the most accurate and complete measurements of the ocean currents between Australia and Antarctica yet taken, providing important information that will improve models used to predict climate change. “We have collected a remarkable data set of observations from the Southern Ocean, covering a wide range of physical, chemical and bio...
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Monday, 29 October 2007 21:43
Australian IPY activities
Astronomy from the Polar Plateau
The polar plateaus provide the best sites on the Earth's surface to conduct a wide range of astronomical observations, due to the extremely cold, dry and stable air found there. This project aims to quantify these conditions at Dome A on the Antarctic plateau, and begin the process of turning the site into a front line observatory. An automated observatory,which can gather data over the winter, will be delivered to Dome A through a Chinese-led traverse in early 2008. More information.
Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML)
This major IPY project will determine species biodiversity, abundan...
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Wednesday, 04 July 2007 20:34
2007 International Summer School, Sydney, Australia
2007 International Science School 4 July 2007 Taronga's penguin colony had a temporary population boost today to raise awareness of the International Science School, which began in Sydney this week. The extra members were popular television scientist Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Antarctic researcher Dr Rhian Salmon, who were introduced to the Zoo's Little Penguin colony and talked with keepers about the impact of climate change on the penguins and other polar species, such as Leopard Seals. Dr Karl, a regular speaker at the Professor Harry Messel International Science School (ISS), is raising awareness and prompting discu...
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Tuesday, 10 July 2007 17:39
Latest issue of the Australian Antarctic Magazine
The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has recently released the latest issue of the Australian Antarctic Magazine. The theme of this issue is the International Polar Year. AAD is participating in over 40 IPY projects and this issue of the magazine features some of these projects including the first marine research voyage for the AAD-coordinated Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML).
You can download the Australian Antarctic Magazine, Issue 12, 2007 as a pdf here.
For further information, please see the ...
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