The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has published several further issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine:
The latest issue of the Australian Antarctic Magazine (Issue 15, 2008) looks at the changes wrought in Antarctica by the signing of the Antarctic Treaty 50 years ago; ocean acidification; and Australia's science program for 2009. It is also available as a PDF.
Issue 13 looks at the connections between Antarctic science and policy and how the Australian Antarctic Division is increasing and strengthening them. The issue also contains stories about three new marine mammal projects, working in Antarctica, and our Antarctic Arts Fellows.
Issue 14 features among other things research conducted for two of Australia's major International Polar Year projects, the first passenger flight of the A319 to Wilkins, and the activities of our Arts Fellows.
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Thursday, 08 January 2009 19:33
New issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine
Written by IPY Australia
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