IPY Report: November 2008
1. Conferences and Workshops
2. Above The Poles
3. Norway 2010: thanks for submissions
5. IPY in photos: share your images
6. Polar Books
Report no. 19, November 2008
From: IPY International Programme Office
To: IPY Project Coordinators
cc: IPY Community Google Groups
1. Conferences and Workshops
The completion of field campaigns in IPY necessarily means an increase in workshops to discuss the outcomes. Please check the calendar on http://ipy.arcticportal.org for workshop information, and send any information about workshops for the calendar to
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. For workshops of relevance to young and early career scientists, please also inform APECS at
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There will be a large IPY presence at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan, Poland in December. If you will be there and would like to connect to IPY events and activities, profile your research, or would like to send information for distribution at the IPY exhibit booth, please contact
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The AGU Conference in December in San Francisco will also be busy with IPY. We can so far confirm the following sessions - mark them in your diary! There will also be an IPY booth at the conference where all IPY partners are welcome to share promotional information and use as a meeting point. If you have any printed materials that you would like distributed at AGU, please let
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Monday AM: Cryosphere IPY Poster Session (C11C)
Monday PM: Union IPY Poster Session (U13B); Union Rapid Arctic Change Poster Session (U13C)
Tuesday AM: IPY EOC meeting - contact
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, all welcome
Tuesday PM: Union IPY Presentations (U23F); followed by Union Rapid Arctic Change Presentations (U24B)
Nye Lecture (M. Albert) at 1700
Wednesday AM: Cryosphere IPY Presentations (C31G); Education IPY EOC Presentations (E31B, E32A);
Wednesday PM: Education IPY EOC Posters (E33A)
Thursday PM: APECS meeting (1200 to 1400) - contact
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Thursday eve (7pm onwards): Public Lecture (P. Smith, Phoenix Mission) followed by a reception/celebration of IPY at the Exploratorium
2. Above The Poles Activities
The next IPY Day, on December 4th, is focussing on research 'Above The Polar Regions', including atmospheric research, meteorology, astronomy, and space observing systems. Draft webpages for this event can be found at
Please advertise this event around your networks. If you would like to get involved, promote your research or researchers, join an event, or connect your classes to researchers in the polar regions, please contact
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3. Norway 2010
Many thanks to all who submitted session proposals for the June 2010 Oslo Science Conference, over 90 proposals were received. The Conference Steering Committee will meet this month to discuss the submissions, committees, and next steps. For more information, please visit the conference website at: http://www.ipy-osc.no/.
The APECS Executive Committee has accepted an offer from the University of Tromso