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Sunday, 02 March 2008 01:03
ITASE Synthesis Workshop - Castine, Maine, 2-5 September 2008
ITASE Synthesis Workshop
Castine, Maine 2-5 Sept. 2008
Purpose: To integrate and synthesize research produced by ITASE (International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition) and associated scientific activities.
To take Antarctica from the most sparsely sampled continent with respect to instrumental era climate to the best sampled for the last 200-1000 years, because of the extremely critical role that Antarctic climate change plays in global climate change (oceans, atmosphere, biological systems), and for the purpose of refining predictions of future climate change.To determine where and how Antarctic physical and chemical climate has or has ...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 28 February 2008 02:50
Get Involved in the Changing Earth IPY day
Dear friends,
The next International Polar Day, focussing on our Changing Earth, is in two weeks. We have prepared a number of webpages, resources, and links to relevant IPY science. These can all be accessed from the link on (top right), or directly at
There are also three aspects of particular interest that I hope you can inform your networks about:
Flyers can be downloaded from the educators page at
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 28 February 2008 21:16
"Field Notes" February 2008
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state.
Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska’s interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 25 February 2008 17:42
Connecticut students on Alaskan Ice
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state.
Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska’s interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 25 February 2008 17:38
IPY IPO's Rhian Salmon visits Alaska
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state. Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska's interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 03:34
IPY Projects related to Land and Life
The first International Polar Science Day focussed on Sea Ice. The second focussed on Ice Sheets, and the third on our Changing Earth. The IPY Day on June 18th will focus on Land and Life. Return to Main Land and Life page The following lists IPY projects that explore the Land and Life at the Polar regions. Their webpages contain a huge amount of information, and the full propos...
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links and resources
Saturday, 16 February 2008 02:45
March 12th: Changing Earth IPY Day
On March 12th, 2008, the International Polar Year (IPY) will launch its third International Polar Day, focussing on 'Changing Earth'. The first two focussed on Sea Ice and Ice Sheets. In preparation for the next IPY Day, a page collating information about IPY and the Changing Earth has been prepared with information for Press and Educators, ...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:25
News from Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
The light is returning to the Arctic and starting to fade from Antarctica, and APECS members have been very busy! As always, we would love to hear about local meetings, opportunities, activities, and developments. Please send any items or information for the next newsletter to
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by the 28th of February to be included in the next Newsletter. This newsletter can also be viewed on the APECS website at
1. APECS Meeting at AGU Ocean Sciences
2. SCAR/IASC St Petersburg Conference July 8 to 11, 2008
3. International Glaciological Society supports APECS Early Career
4. IP...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:00
Educational Dogsled Expedition on Ellesmere Island
This Spring National Geographic Explorer Will Steger and a team of young adventurers will bring their High Arctic dogsled expedition to educators and learners through multimedia dispatches on Follow Will and his teammates, all in their early twenties, as they retrace historical expedition routes on Ellesmere Island, encounter endangered wildlife, photograph disintegrating ice sheets that are collapsing into the ocean, mush across frozen sea ice, and visit an area on the frontlines of climate change.
Endorsed by the National Education Association, this Adventure Learning project includes standards-linked multidisciplinary lesson plans that explore how climate shape...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 00:40
The Legacy of IPY: a Circumpolar Arctic Park and Global Sustainability?
The Legacy of IPY must be a Circumpolar Arctic Park conserving Biodiversity, Habitats, People, Ecological Processes and Services for Global Sustainability
Falk Huettmann PhD, Assistant Professor
EWHALE lab, Institute of Arctic Biology, Biology & Wildlife Department, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fairbanks AK 99775 USA, Email
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Phone 907 474 7882
IPY is a massive global research project that wants to provide huge progress, a quantum leap. However, looking at the sophisticated honey comb project scheme showing that all projects are connected, it gets obvious that SUSTAINABILITY and Biodiversity were actually left out in the major...
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IPY Blogs