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IPY Report: May 2008
Polar Land and Life: Live Events
Polar Land and Life: Links and Resources
Polar Land and Life: Information for Press
Spring Equinox measures
IPY at EcoScience International Science School
Polar Classroom Activities
IPY Day Flyers with Classroom Activities (PDFs):
IPY Launch
Sea Ice
Ice Sheet
Changing Earth
Land and Life
Above the Poles
Icy IPY Activities
Here are some of our favourite activities, as Word documents, that you can download and try in your classroom. Please let us know what you think of them!
Many thanks to Louise Huffman (LH) and Sandy Zicus( SZ) for sharing their activities with us. Please also send any other favourites that you have to Nicola Munro, email:
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Blubber Gloves; Fat Birds-Skinny Birds(LH)
Sediment Tubes (LH)
Polar Animal Adaptation (LH)
Penguin Family Reunion (LH)
Explorers Fuel - Gorp (LH)
Detecting CO2 (SZ)
Coriolis Activity (SZ)
Comparing the Arctic and Antarctic (SZ)
Climate Activities (SZ)
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!; explore the properties of water and ice by making your own ice cream!
Experiments with Snow and Ice; simple experiments investigating the properties of snow, ice, and water, melting and freezing.
Ice in the Solar System; in-depth inquiry-based activities based on the physical properties of ice and water.
Compare your School with an Arctic School; a fun inquiry project comparing the students school/town with those in the arctic.