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Saturday, 12 January 2008 01:50
Michel Béland - Français
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Meet the IPY Joint Committee and Sub-Committees:
Saturday, 12 January 2008 01:48
Michel Béland - JC co-chair
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Meet the IPY Joint Committee and Sub-Committees:
Saturday, 12 January 2008 01:47
Ian Allison - JC co-chair
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Meet the IPY Joint Committee and Sub-Committees:
Saturday, 12 January 2008 01:45
Eberhardt Fahrbach - 2 Oceanography Projects
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IPY Science:
Monday, 26 November 2007 07:54
LIMA: Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica
The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) is the most detailed, high-resolution map ever produced of Antarctica. It is a never-before-seen compilation of space-based, cloud-free images of the entire continent, in ten times greater detail than was previously possible. Over a thousand Landsat 7 satellite images were joined to create this stunning view of one of the most inaccessible regions on our planet. Landsat satellites provide an unparalleled record of Earth?s varying landscapes to help us understand how Earth is changing, and what those changes mean for life on our planet.
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Monday, 19 February 2007 21:31
Arctic Portal
The Arctic Portal provides a comprehensive gateway to the Arctic on the internet, increases co-operation between both public and private parties across the Arctic and grants exposure to Arctic related information.
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Monday, 19 February 2007 21:29
SPARC-IPY: Polar Stratosphere & Mesosphere
The goal of SPARC-IPY, who's full title is: The Structure and Evolution of the Polar Stratosphere and Mesosphere and Links to the Troposphere during IPY, is to document the dynamics, chemistry and microphysical processes within the polar vortices during IPY, with a focus on the stratosphere-troposphere and stratosphere-mesosphere coupling. One of the key outcomes will be a collection of analysis products from several operational centres and several research centres, which will be archived at the SPARC Data Center. The analysis products will cover the period of IPY (March 2007 to March 2009) and will represent the best available self-consistent approximations to the state of the atmosphere during this period.
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Monday, 19 February 2007 21:28
Antarctic Mission: Multimedia Exploration of Antarctica
For 61 weeks thousands of people around the world will follow, on a daily basis via the internet, the exciting voyage of the three-masted sailing ship SEDNA as she travels to Antarctica.
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