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Monday, 19 February 2007 21:22
POLAR: WMT - Wireless and Mobile Technologies
Friday, 16 February 2007 20:42
STELLA ANTARCTICA: Towards an international astronomical observatory at Dome C in Antarctica
STELLA ANTARCTICA is a 9-nation IPY project to investigate the feasibility of establishing an observatory at Dome C in Antarctica – potentially the best astronomical site in the world. The team will conduct several small-scale astronomical experiments at Dome C, as well as holding international discussions that could pave the way for an ambitious, multi-million Euro observatory at Dome C.
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007 20:32
Cape Farewell: the science, education & culture of climate change
Cape Farewell brings artists, scientists and educators together to bring about long-term change in cultural attitudes towards climate change.
Created by artist David Buckland in 2001, Cape Farewell has lead three expeditions to the High Arctic, the frontline of climate change. From these expeditions has sprung an extraordinary body of artwork, a film co-produced by the BBC, Cape Farewell’s first major book title, The CD ARCTIC by Max Eastley, educational resources for GCSE Geography and Science and a UN award winning website. The project is widely acknowledged to be the most significant sustained artistic response to climate change anywhere in the world.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:53
Arctic Sea Ice Properties and Processes
The Arctic sea ice cover is undergoing significant climate-induced changes, resulting in a reduction in ice extent and a net thinning of the sea ice cover. During IPY researchers from 10 nations will be studying the properties and processes that govern this sea ice cover and exploring its role as an indicator and amplifier of climate change. Numerous techniques will be brought to bear on this task, including expeditions, satellite remote sensing, autonomous rovers, buoys, ocean moorings, and numerical models.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:49
ICEFISH - 2007
ICEFISH: International Collaborative Expedition to collect and study Fish Indigenous to Sub-antarctic Habitat.
The Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic offer natural laboratories for understanding the evolutionary impact of climate changes on the marine polar fishes, but there has been lack of access to sub-Antarctic fishes, critical for understanding evolution, population dynamics, eco-physiology and eco-biochemistry of their Antarctic relatives. ICEFISH, the first comprehensive international survey of the Sub-Antarctic marine habitat, is designed to fill these gaps.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:38
GIIPSY: Global Interagency IPY Polar Snapshot Year
The 2007-2008 International Polar Year (IPY) provides an international framework for improving our understanding of high-latitude climate change and enhancing our skill in predicting world-wide impacts. Recent, well documented observations of the dramatically changing high-latitude components of earth’s cryosphere (e.g., those areas where water is frozen either seasonally or permanently) make IPY science investigations particularly timely and relevant to scientists, policy makers and the general public. Effective IPY investigations require a range of commitments of resources: from providing support to individual field activities, to those which require the international coordination of complex systems and their operations. During IPY, to date considerable progress is being made towards characterisation of key high-latitude processes by means of spaceborne snapshots of the polar regions. A number of ongoing efforts are described below which are designed to coordinate these satellite acquisitions, to help demonstrate the benefits of a cryospheric observing system component, and to develop IPY data legacy comprising critical climate benchmarks.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:33
US Geological Survey participation in the International Polar Year
During the IPY, the USGS will highlight numerous long-term studies of the polar regions on the state of the cryosphere (glaciers, permafrost, sea ice), the impacts of change over the last few decades, the petroleum resource potential of the Arctic, and the consequences of permafrost thawing on the Yukon River watershed in Alaska and Canada. Also, we will produce a high resolution Landsat mosaic image of Antarctica.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:27
SCAR-MarBIN: Linking, Integrating and Disseminating Marine Biodiversity Information
SCAR-MarBIN supports the Antarctic science community by giving free and open access to an unprecedented mass of data relevant to understand Southern Ocean biodiversity. SCAR-MarBIN will leave a valuable legacy for future generations, in the form of an information tool that will provide a baseline reference for establishing a State of Antarctic Environment, and predicting the future for marine communities around Antarctica, which are currently facing global change.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:21
Polar Marine Organisms: Breeding and Exhibiting
The SFI Gdynia Aquarium, will be used to popularise polar regions and demonstrate the necessity of their conservation.
We will exhibit polar marine organisms, determine border and optimal breeding conditions, create an aquarium ecosystem of small invertebrates with a closed food chain, and identify their breeding cycle.
We will also improve the educational exhibits, prepare multimedia presentations, conduct educational programs, and organize lectures with polar scientists and explorers.
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Monday, 01 January 2007 23:17
From Pole To Pole Book Series
A book project is planned to summarise all Environmental reseach in Polar Regions under the umbrella of IPY. All environmetnal research are encouraged to present their results in review form.
The ""From Pole to Pole"" book series (published by Springer) intend to serve as a encyclopedia in IPY environmental scientific activities for future generations of scientists involved in Polar Research.
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