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COMPASS: Comprehensive Meteorological dataset of active IPY Antarctic measurement phase
IceCube Neutrino Observatory
IceCube is a neutrino observatory for astrophysics to be installed at the South Pole over seven austral summers ending in 2011. IceCube will look for extremely high-energy neutrinos coming from the northern sky whose sources are active galactic nuclei, supernova remnents, gamma-ray bursts, and active supernovae. The IceCube In-Ice detector will consist of a minimum of 4800 optical modules deployed on 80 vertical strings buried 1450 to 2450 meters under the surface of the ice, and an IceTop surface air-shower detector array comprised of a minimum of 320 optical modules. By early 2008, one half of the detector, 40 strings with 2400 optical modules, was collecting, storing and analyzing data. Weekly updates during the austral season, November-January, are posted here.
IceCube is an international project sponsored and conducted by the United States and several non-U.S. countries. The United States National Science Foundation supplies funds for the design, development, fabrication, procurement, testing, drilling and operations of the project at the South Pole.
Exploratorium’s Ice Stories: Dispatches from Polar Scientists
Ice Stories includes:
• A media-rich, dynamic and continuously updated public Web site
• A media-assets database for journalists, media producers, educators, and museum partners
• Training program in media production and story-telling for 15 scientist-correspondents a year.