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Rhian Salmon
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 19:16
IPY and APECS poster and presentation
Live Earth concerts will be held around the world. Headliners for the London Concert will be Madonna, the Beastie Boys and Black Eyed Peas joined by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Keane, Foo Fighters and others. In East Rutherford, New Jersey artists will include Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Kanye West, Rihanna, John Mayer, Smashing Pumpkins and Fall Out Boy. Other concerts will be in China, South Africa, Australia, Toyko and Brazil. Organizers have promised an event in Antarctica - but no word yet on where.
These concerts start a campaign called Save Our Selves (SOS).
The full story can be found at
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 18:18
IHY Open Door Day
We have the great pleasure of inviting your school to participate in a global project during the International Polar Year 2007-2008. We want to focus on the fact that many of the toxic chemicals we produce in centralised areas will be transported by wind and sea current to the polar regions. Many of the chemicals, like dioxins, are defined as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They are fat soluble and bioaccumulate in the food web. Therefore they can be a problem for all living species in polar regions.
In the project the students will play a key role and learn how to do real science together with scientists. In the project students will catch local fish and send a filet sample to the laboratory in Norway. A detailed description of the project can be downloaded in this ...
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 17:32
Global POP: an schools investigation into fish worldwide
We have the great pleasure of inviting your school to participate in a global project during the International Polar Year 2007-2008. We want to focus on the fact that many of the toxic chemicals we produce in centralised areas will be transported by wind and sea current to the polar regions. Many of the chemicals, like dioxins, are defined as persistent organic pollutants (POPs). They are fat soluble and bioaccumulate in the food web. Therefore they can be a problem for all living species in polar regions. In the project the students will play a key role and learn how to do real science together with scientists. In the project students will catch local fish and send a filet sample to the laboratory in Norway. A detailed description of the project can be downloaded in this ...
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 17:14
Northern Studies conference: call for abstracts
The organizing committee for the 8th International ACUNS Student Conference has released the third call for abstracts for the student conference to be held October 19-21, 2007 in Saskatoon, SK. All students conducting northern research are encouraged to submit an abstract for this conference. Travel support will be available for Canadian and international students. Details on how to apply for travel awards will be available soon on the ACUNS website. Please note that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to May 15, 2007. More details: The 8th International ACUNS Student Conference on Northern Studies, titled Melting Boundaries: Carrying Out Effective Research in the Circu...
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 15:05
GIIPSY poster at EGU 07
Live Earth concerts will be held around the world. Headliners for the London Concert will be Madonna, the Beastie Boys and Black Eyed Peas joined by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Keane, Foo Fighters and others. In East Rutherford, New Jersey artists will include Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Kanye West, Rihanna, John Mayer, Smashing Pumpkins and Fall Out Boy. Other concerts will be in China, South Africa, Australia, Toyko and Brazil. Organizers have promised an event in Antarctica - but no word yet on where.
These concerts start a campaign called Save Our Selves (SOS).
The full story can be found at
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 14:56
GIIPSY publication in EOS
The Gimli Connection to the Arctic and Antarctic (EoI 1186) project is sponsored by the New Iceland Heritage Museum (NIHM). It looks into the history of our area to discover the connections with the Arctic and Antarctic regions of planet Earth. Called New Iceland before Manitoba was extended north, we are close, geographically, to the Arctic. However, some thought we would have a problem finding a connection to the Antarctic. Not so. We learned that sled dogs from the west shore of Lake Winnipeg went with two Antarctic explorers, Shackleton and Byrd. The research project was on. We hope to educate our patrons, our school kids, and our summer visitors, as we have educated ourselves. We have two display windows at NIHM with artefacts and displays and two looseleaf binders full of informatio...
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Wednesday, 18 April 2007 17:44
ICED-IPY Publication
ARCUS is accepting applications from Masters and PhD students for travel scholarships to attend the 19th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum on 23-24 May 2007, in Washington, DC. The focus of this year's Arctic Forum is: "Water in the Arctic: International Collaborations and Understanding Environmental Change."
Application Deadline: Monday, 23 April 2007
Jointly hosted by ARCUS and the Embassy of Sweden, the Arctic Forum features a diverse and international range of perspectives on the state of knowledge of the hydrological cycle in the circumpolar Arctic, gaps in our knowledge, and research and poli...
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Wednesday, 11 April 2007 22:38
Will Steger Foundation Summer Institute for Climate Change Education: call for applications
Join experienced educators from around the world for an interactive, cross-disciplinary workshop on Global Warming, its effects on the Arctic and Antarctic, and the scientific and cultural program associated with the International Polar Year. August 13-15, 2007 Science Museum of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota Explorer Will Steger will present visual evidence of Global Warming from his Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and invite educators to join his 2008 Global Warming 101 Expeditions to the ends of the Earth. Educators will receive a toolkit of resources, also available free for download from and following the Summer Institute. The workshop will include:
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Wednesday, 11 April 2007 21:57
ARCUS Student Travel Scholarship Program
ARCUS is accepting applications from Masters and PhD students for travel scholarships to attend the 19th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum on 23-24 May 2007, in Washington, DC. The focus of this year's Arctic Forum is: "Water in the Arctic: International Collaborations and Understanding Environmental Change." Application Deadline: Monday, 23 April 2007 Jointly hosted by ARCUS and the Embassy of Sweden, the Arctic Forum features a diverse and international range of perspectives on the state of knowledge of the hydrological cycle in the circumpolar Arctic, gaps in our knowledge, and research and poli...
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Wednesday, 04 April 2007 22:51
IPY Overview for NSTA
An IPY Overview Presentation given by Dr Rhian Salmon at the National Science Teachers Association Conference in St Louis, USA, March 31st 2007.
You can download the presentation in a variety of formats. Each of these is compressed as a .zip file to make the file size smaller.
slides and presenters notes PDF (72MB)
slides only PDF (71MB)
Quick Time videos of sections of the presentation... interactive so you can click a mouse when you want the next slide.
You may need to ...
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