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Rhian Salmon
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Friday, 07 September 2007 14:43
Sea Ice Day: Quick Links for Educators
Learn more about Sea Ice by doing an experiment, following a cruise, contacting a scientist, or designing your own community event. Launch a virtual balloon to show your involvement, and watch as people around the world join in! Quick Ways that Teachers and Students can learn more about Sea Ice, and get involved on September 21st! Download this Polar Sea Ice Day flyer (PDF) in your language: English, Chinese...
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Thursday, 06 September 2007 23:19
September 21st: International Polar Day highlighting Sea Ice
Mark your diaries:
IPY and Sea Ice
Over 30 large, international IPY projects are studying some aspect of Sea Ice. This includes ship expeditions, remote sensing, sea ice ecosystems, the importance of sea ice to polar bears and marine mammals, climate research, exhibitions, and books. On September 13th, a web-page dedicated to Sea Ice will be published on listing projects that are involved, real-time expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic, contacts for media, sources for images, and background information. There will also be educational and community activities including classroom...
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Wednesday, 05 September 2007 21:39
Solstices, Equinoxes, and the Polar Regions
From the perspective of the North or South Pole, every year is essentially one long day that lasts half a year and one long night lasting the other half. This has enormous impact on how much solar energy is received in different times of year, which in turn influences physical processes, such as the freezing and thawing of snow and ice, biological processes, such as migration, and the lives of people who live in polar regions.
If the Earth were perpendicular on its axis, everywhere on the planet would receive an equal amount of sunshine (and darkness) every day. But because of the tilt of the Earth on its axis (currently 23.5 degrees off the perpendicular), only two days a year — the Equinoxes every spring and fall — have equal amounts of sunshine everywhere.
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Wednesday, 05 September 2007 19:33
Early spring in the Antarctic: Scientists investigate sea ice
MEDIA RELEASE For more information, visit the SIPEX expedition website. An earlier than usual foray into far southern waters will help scientists understand the connection between Antarctic sea ice and the ecosystems that depend on it for survival. The voyage is Australia's first in around 10 years to head into the Southern Ocean while the sea ice remains in place before the summer thaw. The Sea Ice Physics and Ecology eXperiment (SIPEX*) voyage, jointly organised by the Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (Antarctic CRC) and the Australian Antarctic Division, will sail from Hobart at the beginning of September 2007. Eighty-six scientists from eight nations will use a suite of...
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Wednesday, 05 September 2007 18:59
International Polar Day - Sea Ice
September 21st, 2007 marks the first of quarterly International Polar Days, this time focusing on Sea Ice.
Sea ice, the thin layer of ice that covers most of the Arctic Ocean and surrounds most of the Antarctic continent, represents a distinctive feature of our planet. Sea ice spreads and retreats seasonally. It drifts and packs under the influence of wind and currents. It isolates the atmosphere from the ocean and produces the coldest saltiest ocean waters. It restricts the movement of ships but supports the traverses of bears.
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Friday, 31 August 2007 20:43
IPY Projects related to Sea Ice
In response to journalists and educators wanting an 'angle' on the extremely broad International Polar Year, quarterly "IPY Days" are being developed that focus on a particular aspect of polar research, and highlight current research occurring as part of IPY. The first of these will be held on September 21st and will focus on Sea Ice. Below is a list of IPY projects that study, or are concerned with, some aspect of Sea Ice. Their webpages contain a huge amount of information. For direct contact with researchers, please consult this list of sea ice experts. The following list includes IPY ID and chart name, and short title 8 ...
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Thursday, 30 August 2007 23:24
Cape Farewell launches first climate change youth expedition to the High Arctic
Cape Farewell launches first climate change youth expedition to the High Arctic Launch: From 4pm, Sunday 9 September 2007, Southbank Centre, London Expedition: 14-23 September 2007 In September, Cape Farewell launches its first international youth expedition, voyaging north of the 79th parallel to the fragile extremes of Svalbard in the High Arctic with twelve students from Germany, Canada and the UK to investigate and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change. In a landmark arts, science and media project the young people will work alongside artist Dan Harvey, Professor Mark Maslin of University College London's Environment Institute and others to develop scientific and creative projects. The students will live, work and help sail the ...
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Thursday, 16 August 2007 20:15
IPY Introduction Presentation
The aims of are three-fold:
To promote Education through Expedition
To report credible eye witness accounts of climate change
To promote sustainable technology for the future.
"Through exploring remote locations around the world I aim to highlight environmental issues within the classroom. Expedition takes us to places that few people have been to. To travel to a place and experience such environments first hand is so much more powerful than reading a textbook in a classroom. Through use of film and photography I aim to share these experiences, to educate and inspire. "
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Thursday, 16 August 2007 16:02
New Zealand announces IPY Funding results
MEDIA RELEASE WEDNESDAY 8 AUGUST 2007 Antarctic research to benefit from $4.5 million in special projects for International Polar Year. Six exciting research projects touching on climate change and protecting the fragile Antarctic environment have been approved to mark International Polar Year. The projects have been made possible by a special three-year, $4.5 million contestable fund to support International Polar Year research, announced by the Prime Minister in May and administered by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, "International Polar Year represents a unique opportunity for New Zealand scientists to participate in a number of important Antarctic scientific collaborations," says foundation Chief Executive Murray Bain....
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Wednesday, 25 July 2007 00:52
Polar Archive Symposium: Call for Papers
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
2007 Polar Archive Symposium
19-20 November 2007
London, UK
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Publication "Archive" Proposal Deadline: Monday, 10 September 2007
For further information, please go to:
or contact:
Kathryn Yusoff
Open University
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The symposium "POLAR: Fieldwork and Archive Fever" will be held on 19-20
November 200...
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