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Rhian Salmon
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Wednesday, 04 April 2007 17:02
IPY Opening Ceremony Presentation
You can download Dr David Carlson's IPY Opening Ceremony Presentation: The Science of IPY 2007-8, in a variety of formats. Each of these is compressed as a .zip file to make the file size smaller.
slides and presenters notes PDF (24MB)
slides onlyPDF (22MB)
Quick Time videos of sections of the presentation... interactive so you can click a mouse when you want the next slide.
You may need to download Quick Time softw...
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Tuesday, 20 March 2007 19:02
Live Webcast Today from Saami Conference
Ian McEwan & John Schellnhuber - a Conversation about Climate Change
Moderator: David Buckland
22 March 2007, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
During March and April, Cape Farewell - in collaboration with the British Council - travels to the vast industrial space of Kampnagel Cultural Centre in Hamburg with Cape Farewell - Art and Climate Change, the exhibition developed in collaboration with the Natural History Museum in London in 2006. Climate change is the most serious challenge facing the world in the 21 st century and the British Council's focus on the issue in Germany reflects a commitment to addressing sharedglobal challenges together with European partners.
One of the highlights is a discussion between novelist Ian McEwan and Profes...
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Monday, 19 March 2007 20:00
Cape Farewell in Germany
Ian McEwan & John Schellnhuber - a Conversation about Climate Change
Moderator: David Buckland
22 March 2007, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg
During March and April, Cape Farewell - in collaboration with the British Council - travels to the vast industrial space of Kampnagel Cultural Centre in Hamburg with Cape Farewell - Art and Climate Change, the exhibition developed in collaboration with the Natural History Museum in London in 2006. Climate change is the most serious challenge facing the world in the 21 st century and the British Council's focus on the issue in Germany reflects a commitment to addressing sharedglobal challenges together with European partners.
One of the highlights is a discussion between novelist Ian McEwan and Profes...
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Monday, 19 March 2007 18:43
Social Sciences and Humanities Antarctic Research Exchange: SHARE
There is a growing need for Antarctic-related research in the social sciences and humanities to, firstly, obtain a deeper understanding of political, economic, and socio-cultural processes and pressures that rapidly gain in complexity, and secondly, to inform policymaking for Antarctica. However, a comprehensive research program is lacking. It is proposed that a research network named Social Sciences & Humanities Antarctic Research Exchange (SHARE) be set up to start filling this gap. Through SHARE it is also hoped to facilitate the provision of political and financial support for initiating, developing and coordinating social science and humanities research with a focus on the Antarctic. A platform for Antarctic researchers from the social sciences and humanities...
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Monday, 19 March 2007 18:29
Far North Science
Far North Science publishes news, stories, observations and links about science, research and natural events in Alaska and the Arctic. It is edited and written mainly by Doug O’Harra, a long-time Alaska journalist based in Anchorage and a previous winner of the science journalism award from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The site publishes new stories almost every day, and includes links to the latest science developments reported by national and international media.
As an educational resource, Far North Science stories emphasize outside links to original sources and previous coverage. One goal is to make each post work as a portal into its subject area for students, teachers...
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Monday, 19 March 2007 18:05
Developing Polar Educational Resources
I have just been sent some amazing photos: IPY has certainly begun!
Baldvin Kristjánsson has just returned from the first of three expeditions in Greenland occurring 1 March - 10 May in 2006, 2007, 2008.
The Polar Bear project is an education project, where schools interact with a remote field team, through live broadcasts, interaction via website and internet meetings, using satellite and other field reporting technology. The students tell the field team what materials they need. The field team finds it with the ...
Monday, 19 March 2007 17:56
Polar Bear Project
The Polar Bear project is an education project, where schools interact with a remote field team, through live broadcasts, interaction via website and internet meetings, using satellite and other field reporting technology.
The students tell the field team what materials they need. The field team finds it with the hunters, reindeer herders and their communities, using dog sleds, boats and snow scooters.
The raw material from the field, the interaction between students and field and the students final results are all stored on a central website.
This builds an open learning resource, directed by the needs of the students, with real, up-to-date material.
Photos ...
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Monday, 19 March 2007 17:34
New dogsled route needed in Greenland
International Polar Year (IPY), which extends from March 2007 through to March 2009, is a worldwide initiative involving thousands of scientists from over 60 countries and focuses on both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Although it is called
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Monday, 19 March 2007 08:43
IPY in Google Earth
Download the IPY layer now. (Requires the free Google Earth application — download Google Earth.)
To facilitate awareness and understanding between scientists, politicians, educators, the media and the public, we have created an International Polar Year layer for Google Earth. The aim for this layer is that it will evolve to reflect the latest science results contributed by IPY scientists.
As the International Polar Year progresses, you will be able to follow polar animals as they fly around the Antarctic, swim through the Oceans, or migrate around the Arctic. You will also be able to...
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Saturday, 17 March 2007 16:58
Planet Earth IPY feature
Cape Farewell Education aims to:
facilitate learning about climate change and participation in the climate change debate among teachers and pupils in UK schools.
give school students a voice in the climate change debate and to enable them to take what they have learnt and talked about back home into their communities and families
spread enthusiasm and strategies for learning about climate change throughout UK schools.
We have a number of resources available to teachers and pupils
Life in the Water is a GSCE Science resource commissioned by Nuffield Curriculum Centre and developed with scientists at the National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton as part of the 21st centu...
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