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Friday, 29 December 2006 01:30
Concordia, a French-Italian facility for international and long term scientific activities
Written by Administrator
Concordia Station and the surrounding facilities have been conceived to be a long term support to valuable international scientific programmes. In Antarctica, most of the scientific activity is confined to coastal areas; so, the geographical location of Concordia is a unique vantage to provide new data in the global network for many sciences (geomagnetism, seismology, atmospheric sciences and to increase the accuracy of several models in climatology and atmosphere chemistry. These data, combined with the paleoclimatic records obtained from the ice cores, will improve our knowledge of the Antarctic environment, its changes during the last million years, and its links and interaction with the rest of the planet. In addition, the exceptional quality of the site for astronomy allows developing programmes cheaper than from satellites or orbital stations. So, Concordia station will offer to the international scientific communities the possibility to develop sound researches in one of the most unknown region in the world, region which plays a significant role at the global level, namely in term of climatic processes.
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