Ozzy and Zoe Ozone invite the World's Children to Take Action on Ozone, Climate and Pollutants
Ozzy goes polar comic book launched on World Environment Day, a special day by which the UN stimulates worldwide awareness and action to protect the environment.
Tromso, June 5th 2007
Ozzy Ozone is the United Nations Environment Programme's flagship illustrated booklet series for children regarding stratospheric ozone protection. It is targeted at children between 8 to 14 years old and is devoted to raising awareness about the importance of the protection of the ozone layer.
This issue of Ozzy Ozone, entitled "Ozzy Goes Polar", has been prepared on the occasion of the World Environment Day in support of International Polar Year (IPY) with the special cooperation of the International Programme Office of IPY, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Stockholm Convention Secretariat and GRID Arendal.
This booklet focuses on the effects that ozone depletion, climate change and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are having on polar ecosystems and communities and the ensuing consequences around the world. The famous Ozzy and Zoe Ozone travel to the Arctic and the Antarctic with Lucy, the blue whale to meet Tilman, the polar bear and Camilo the penguin, to discover how greenhouse gases, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and POPs are affecting glaciers in the polar regions. The story includes a series of recommendations for children to help protect the environment through responsible lifestyles.
"Ozzy Goes Polar" focuses on the effects that ozone depletion, climate change and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are having on polar ecosystems and communities and the ensuing consequences around the world. It was prepared by UNEP OzonAction in support of International Polar Year (IPY) with the special cooperation of the International Programme Office of IPY, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Stockholm Convention Secretariat and GRID Arendal.
"Ozzy and Zoe help remind the rest of the world about real issues faced by Arctic people: climate change, ozone holes, and persistent pollutants. IPY has ambitious research programmes to better understand all these issues, but we need partners like Ozzy and Zoe to help us carry the polar messages to neighbours in other parts of the world."
Dave Carlson, IPY Project Office
Ozzy Ozone is developed as part of UNEP's work programme under the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol. This booklet is part of a suite of educational materials linked to the global Ozzy Ozone campaign. OzonAction is distributing the booklet to children, schools, governments, NGOs, leaders and journalists around the world and its previous issues have been translated in more than 15 languages. "Ozzy Goes Polar" is suitable for dissemination in schools as part of a national awareness campaigns.
UNEP, IPY and national partners held launch launches of "Ozzy Goes Polar" on three continents, in ceremonies in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Paris, France, Nairobi, Kenya and Tromso, Norway.
Date: Issued in May 2007
Venue: Global
Format: Illustrated booklet for children (comic)
Organizers: OzonAction Programme of the UNEP's Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP DTIE).
Contact at UNEP:
Ms. Anne Fenner
Information Officer
Tel: (+33) 44 37 14 54
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