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Lizzy Hawker
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Wednesday, 04 July 2007 02:06
climateXchange: How's your world?
climateXchange: How's your world? allows users to share stories (in text, photos and video) of how climate change has or might affect them in their local area, no matter where they are.
We'd love for individuals, schools and community groups to contribute, as well as see the stories we already have on the site!
We're hoping to receive submissions from all around the world. In fact, Questacon has made the site a part of International Polar Year, on behalf of all the science centres in the Asia Pacific region, as a part of the ASTC's Project IGLO.
The project has an Asia - Pacific focus but submissions are invited from everywhere.
It is prod...
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Sunday, 01 July 2007 17:33
Amateur Radio IPY award
Researchers and explorers will probe the Gakkel Ridge during expedition that begins on July 1. They will be using new robotic vehicles to hunt for life and hydrothermal vents on the Arctic seafloor. Researchers will use two new autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)--Puma and Jaguar--in tandem to locate hydrothermal vent sites on the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. (Illustration by E. Paul Oberlander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) More information can be found on the project website. ...
Saturday, 30 June 2007 20:14
Robotic vehicles in the Arctic
Researchers and explorers will probe the Gakkel Ridge during expedition that begins on July 1. They will be using new robotic vehicles to hunt for life and hydrothermal vents on the Arctic seafloor. Researchers will use two new autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)--Puma and Jaguar--in tandem to locate hydrothermal vent sites on the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. (Illustration by E. Paul Oberlander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) More information can be found on the project website. ...
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Monday, 11 June 2007 22:29
creating educational thermographics
A new project is being developed to consider the use of Thermographics in Education.
A thermographic is a registration of the surface temperature by detecting long-wavelength infrared radiation. You can compare the image with a weather chart. It’s like holding 80.000 thermometers at the same time in front of an animal. The colors added to the measurements create the image. The colors show variations in temperature. You can capture images at night or in daytime, it doesn’t matter, you need different surface temperatures though.
In the Polar regions you’ll only find a few species of animals. They are definitely the best to-cold-adapted animals of the world. The biodiversity is not comparable with for example a rainforest, where you’ll find thousands of d...
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Monday, 11 June 2007 22:22
Why Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting? The Dangers of Global Warming
A new book for children focusing on the Global Warming has recently been published. It forms part of the “Let’s-Read-And-Find-Out Science series which explores challenging concepts for children in the primary grades.
Why Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting? The Dangers of Global Warming
Written by Anne Rockwell
Illustrated by Paul Meisel
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-054671-7
Quote on back cover:
“The earth is getting hotter, and not just in the summer. The climate in your hometown is changing. But why is this happening, and can we stop it? Read and find out!”
The pictures are engaging! The book contains an explanation of the greenhouse effect and the many ways the earth is changing or has cha...
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Saturday, 09 June 2007 22:36
photos from Ozzy Ozone
Photos from the launch event of the UNEP cartoon book Ozzy Goes Polar on June 5th in the Tromso Library, Norway - on World Environment Day.
Ozzy and Zoe Ozone
Launch event of cartoon book Ozzy Goes Polar on June 5th in the Tromso Library accompanied by Ms. Sylvi Liljegren (Norwegian Polar Institute).
Ms. Anne Fenner (OzonAction Information Officer) and Ozzy Ozone
Children from Lunheim School in Tromso Norway...
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Friday, 08 June 2007 15:08
World Ocean Observatory
A Forum for Ocean Affairs The World Ocean Observatory is a place of exchange for ocean information, education and public discourse about the future of the ocean and its implication for human survival. Incorporating THE CULTURAL OCEAN, a survey of maritime arts, cultural manifestations and research tools; THE PHYSICAL OCEAN, the UN Atlas of the Oceans, UNESCO Ocean Portal, NOAA, NASA, Census of Marine Life, climate, and other useful sites; THE WORLD OCEAN DIRECTORY, an indexed network of more than 18,500 organizations worldwide with ocean interests; THE WORLD OCEAN FORUM, a digest of breaking news, monthly letter, publications, exhibits, and media; FORUM EVENTS include dynamic, media-rich sites on critical ocean topics such as Ocean Acidification and Cities and Oceans; and TH...
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Friday, 08 June 2007 14:02
IPY Publications Database
The bibliography "International Polar Year 2007-2008 Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Central Library Network : A Selected Bibliography" has been prepared to support NOAA Central Library (NCL) activities during International Polar Year 2007-2008. It reflects the NCL network’s unique print and online resources on exploration and research in Polar Regions. It includes citations organized “by title” from NOAALINC, the library's online catalog, and from the library's historical collections. The data and listings are comprehensive from the 18th century to the present. The formats represented in this resource include print, CD-ROM, online full-text documents, digital videos, digital images, online cruise data and Web resources. This document provides full-text access, copyright ...
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Friday, 08 June 2007 04:32
IPY service office in Kangerlussuaq, the gateway to the Greenland Ice Sheet
Danish Polar Center has established an IPY service office in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland's main international and domestic traffic hub and the gateway to the Ice Sheet. The office is located in KISS, the researchers' hotel, and will be staffed until the end of August. The IPY service is targetted at the many researchers coming to Greenland during IPY. When you arrive at the airport, look for the IPY banner and the IPY logo * and you'll find the IPY service staff.
The IPY service in Kangerlussuaq is a cooperative effort between Danish Polar Center, Kangerlussuaq International Science Support (KISS) and Greenland Home Rule's Office for Research Coordination.
As part of the service an "IPY SERVICE Manual" is available for download. The manual includes material...
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Friday, 08 June 2007 04:04
Ice Station Antarctica - press release
The ice caps are melting but Brits still think polar bears live in Antarctica - home of the penguins. A new exhibition - Ice Station Antarctica - opens at Natural History Museum for International Polar Year 2007-2008. It will challenges kids to understand the importance of the frozen continent. Antarctica is a continent 58 times the size of the UK and it plays a crucial role in understanding global climate change, but one in ten Brits doesn't know where it is and a third of us still think polar bears live there. The Natural History Museum today launches Ice Station Antarctica, a new family blockbuster exhibition developed in partnership with the British Antarctic Survey that challenges kids to survive the extreme conditions faced by scientists researc...
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