The October 2007 issue of the WMO Bulletin focussed on the International Polar Year 2007-2008. The issue contained an IPY overview and six articles covering polar weather, stratospheric ozone, polar atmospheric chemistry, polar oceans, cryosphere connections to hydrological cycles in the Arctic, and future space observations of polar regions. As part of its sponsorship of IPY, WMO makes the IPY articles (in English) available for free download on its website, see:
These articles provide fresh reviews of many aspects of polar science. The IPY IPO thanks WMO for these useful summaries of polar science and for providing access to the articles in support of the IPY policy of free, open and timely access to information.
High resolution versions can also be downloaded from the WMO ftp server, accessible at:
Username: wmoftpreader
Password: wmoftp
Folder: Bulletin_56_4_articles