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Monday, 30 April 2007 18:00
Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in India
The Government of India will be hosting the 30th Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) at New Delhi from 30 April to 11 May. The ATCM is the annual occasion when the signatories of the Antarctic Treaty get together to discuss about the management of Antarctica. Usual topics on the agenda include environmental protection, tourism and legal issues. This year, IPY will also be an important item on the agenda.
David Carlson will be representing the International Programme Office in New Delhi and will be providing updates on the IPY.
For more information, please visit the sites for the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat site and the ...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 30 April 2007 17:35
Smithsonian Hosts Polar Science Symposium to Celebrate International Polar Year
DRAFT 19th April, 2007 The Smithsonian Institution will host a polar science symposium as one of the inaugural U.S. contributions to celebrate the International Polar Year 2007-2008. "Smithsonian at the Poles: Contributions to International Polar Year Science" is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, May 3-4 at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and the Smithsonian Institution Building (Castle) in Washington, D.C. The symposium, which is also supported by the National Science Foundation, will present research findings by Smithsonian scholars and their collaborators from Arctic and Antarctic research, with particular attention to changes in polar systems past, present and future, and their global impact. The symposium will ...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 27 April 2007 03:28
InnovationCanada Highlights IPY
The current issue of the Canada Foundation for Innovation's online magazine, appropriately titled focuses on IPY and features an essay on "Securing An IPY Legacy" by David Hik, Executive Director, Canadian IPY Secretariat and Ian Church, Chair, Canadian IPY National Committee. The essay gives an overview of Canadian involvement with past IPYs and how the $150 million that the Canadian Government has dedicated to this IPY is having a ripple effect throughout the north.
There is also a painful story written by Susan Aglukark entitled "...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 23 April 2007 22:38
A weblog for all IPY-NL science expeditions
One of the main projects to present polar science to a wide audience in The Netherlands is the development of a weblog for all IPY-NL science expeditions. A Dutch public broadcasting corporation
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News And Announcements
Monday, 23 April 2007 01:58
IPY-NL project posters
Posters introducing 14 different IPY-NL research projects can be downloaded in PDF format from the IPY NL website.
Posters contributions include
- a general introductions to the international IPY projects: ‘Tarantella’, ‘Bird Health’, ‘Lashipa’, ‘NORCLIM’, ‘Aliens’
- Dutch contributions to IPY projects: ‘Glaciodyn’, ‘ORACLE-O3’, ‘POLAR-AOD’, ‘IPY Geotraces’ and ‘PAME’.
The posters were presented in November 2006 at an IPY-NL information meeting in The Hague, The Netherlands.
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Thursday, 19 April 2007 19:16
IPY and APECS poster and presentation
Live Earth concerts will be held around the world. Headliners for the London Concert will be Madonna, the Beastie Boys and Black Eyed Peas joined by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Keane, Foo Fighters and others. In East Rutherford, New Jersey artists will include Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Kanye West, Rihanna, John Mayer, Smashing Pumpkins and Fall Out Boy. Other concerts will be in China, South Africa, Australia, Toyko and Brazil. Organizers have promised an event in Antarctica - but no word yet on where.
These concerts start a campaign called Save Our Selves (SOS).
The full story can be found at
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Monday, 16 April 2007 22:40
Status and Challenges of the IPY 2007-8 Programme
Live Earth concerts will be held around the world. Headliners for the London Concert will be Madonna, the Beastie Boys and Black Eyed Peas joined by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Keane, Foo Fighters and others. In East Rutherford, New Jersey artists will include Bon Jovi, Dave Matthews Band, Kanye West, Rihanna, John Mayer, Smashing Pumpkins and Fall Out Boy. Other concerts will be in China, South Africa, Australia, Toyko and Brazil. Organizers have promised an event in Antarctica - but no word yet on where.
These concerts start a campaign called Save Our Selves (SOS).
The full story can be found at
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Thursday, 12 April 2007 21:00
'The Arctic In Change' Exhibition
The Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland is pleased to announce the opening of its fully renewed permanent exhibition on 18th of April, 2007, in Arktikum house in Rovaniemi. The exhibition opening is one of the highlights of Finnish IPY activities. "The Arctic in Change" exhibition offers the visitors a journey through the Arctic world today. The exhibition promotes the natural beauty and the cultural richness of the Arctic, while it informs the visitors about the ongoing rapid social and environmental changes occurring in the fragile Arctic. Set up in a friendly environment, the exhibition combines multimedia shows, interactive stations, artefacts and photo enlargements. The exhibition revolves around the ongoing changes in the Arctic and illuminate...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 11 April 2007 22:38
Will Steger Foundation Summer Institute for Climate Change Education: call for applications
Join experienced educators from around the world for an interactive, cross-disciplinary workshop on Global Warming, its effects on the Arctic and Antarctic, and the scientific and cultural program associated with the International Polar Year. August 13-15, 2007 Science Museum of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota Explorer Will Steger will present visual evidence of Global Warming from his Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and invite educators to join his 2008 Global Warming 101 Expeditions to the ends of the Earth. Educators will receive a toolkit of resources, also available free for download from and following the Summer Institute. The workshop will include:
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 11 April 2007 21:57
ARCUS Student Travel Scholarship Program
ARCUS is accepting applications from Masters and PhD students for travel scholarships to attend the 19th Annual Meeting and Arctic Forum on 23-24 May 2007, in Washington, DC. The focus of this year's Arctic Forum is: "Water in the Arctic: International Collaborations and Understanding Environmental Change." Application Deadline: Monday, 23 April 2007 Jointly hosted by ARCUS and the Embassy of Sweden, the Arctic Forum features a diverse and international range of perspectives on the state of knowledge of the hydrological cycle in the circumpolar Arctic, gaps in our knowledge, and research and poli...
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