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Friday, 15 June 2007 18:37
Into the ice II
Read Part One Here
22 April
We have made a lot of holes in the ice for the instruments. Now we make a hole for our selves. I can’t wait. I rush inside to get my towel, then I am standing on the ice in woollen socks and swimming suit. I jump into the black water and it’s deeper than I thought but I don’t have time to feel if it is cold or not before I am up again. But obviously it was because then the kick comes that makes me love bathing in cold water.
When everybody who wants has taken a bath we pack and soon the ship is going again. We are heading north to find a drifting ice floe to work on and again there is the sound of ice crushing against th...
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IPY Blogs
Friday, 08 June 2007 14:02
IPY Publications Database
The bibliography "International Polar Year 2007-2008 Resources on Polar Research in the NOAA Central Library Network : A Selected Bibliography" has been prepared to support NOAA Central Library (NCL) activities during International Polar Year 2007-2008. It reflects the NCL network’s unique print and online resources on exploration and research in Polar Regions. It includes citations organized “by title” from NOAALINC, the library's online catalog, and from the library's historical collections. The data and listings are comprehensive from the 18th century to the present. The formats represented in this resource include print, CD-ROM, online full-text documents, digital videos, digital images, online cruise data and Web resources. This document provides full-text access, copyright ...
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links and resources
Friday, 08 June 2007 04:17
The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow
The ice caps are melting but Brits still think polar bears live in Antarctica - home of the penguins.
A new exhibition - Ice Station Antarctica - opens at Natural History Museum for International Polar Year 2007-2008. It will challenges kids to understand the importance of the frozen continent.
Antarctica is a continent 58 times the size of the UK and it plays a crucial role in understanding global climate change, but one in ten Brits doesn't know where it is and a third of us still think polar bears live there. The Natural History Museum today launches Ice Station Antarctica, a new family blockbuster exhibition developed in partnership with the British Antarctic Survey that challenges kids to survive the extreme conditions faced by scientists researc...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 08 June 2007 02:07
International workshop on Snow, Ice, Glacier and Avalanches: extension of deadlines
To encourage larger participation in the international workshop
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News And Announcements
Friday, 08 June 2007 01:39
IPY news from India
We have news from India about the various aspects of its involvement with IPY - through both scientific projects and outreach. The launching of the Indian chapter of the IPY 2007-2008 took place at National Centre For Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR), Vasco-da-Gama, India and parallely at Jawaharlal Nehru National University (JNU), New Delhi, India on 1st March 2007. Details of the scientific and outreach projects can be read in this pdf document. Further details can be had at National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research website and ...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 08 June 2007 19:16
Update for Project Coordinators: June
IPY Report June 2007 Contents: 1. Data Issues 2. Recent updates to the IPY website 3. Project Funding 4. Events, Meetings, and Conferences FROM: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators Cc: IPY National Committees 1. Data Issues As coordinators of IPY Projects, you have all agreed to the IPY data policy that specifies free and open data access in a timely manner. You have also agreed to take responsibility for archiving data from within your projects. We know that, in reality, getting cooperation on data sharing and developing secure data archives take substantial time and effort. Members of the IPY Data ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 14:49
World Environment Day June 5th 2007: A Focus on the Polar Regions
World Environment Day 2007 this year is focussing on the polar regions, in recognition of the International Polar Year. Two books are being launched today by UNEP in conjunction with this day. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow is an in-depth report focussing on the state of ice-covered regions, written for a general audience but containing hard scientific answers. Complementing this Ozzy Goes Polar, focussed for kids, sees the return of our hero, Ozzy Ozone, on an adventure to the polar regions. ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 14:47
Melting Ice-A Hot Topic? New UNEP Report Shows Just How Hot It's Getting
World Environment Day 2007
Tromso/Nairobi, 4 June 2007 - The futures of hundreds of millions of people across the world will be affected by declines in snow cover, sea ice, glaciers, permafrost and lake ice a new and unique report launched to mark World Environment Day (WED) says.
Impacts are likely to include significant changes in the availability of water supplies for drinking and agriculture, rising sea levels affecting low lying coasts and islands and an increase in hazards such as subsidence of currently frozen land.
An estimated 40 per cent of the world's population could be affected by loss of snow and glaciers on the mountains of Asia says the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Global Outlook for Ice and Snow.
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News And Announcements
Monday, 04 June 2007 21:42
World Environment Day June 5th 2007: Ozzy goes Polar
OZZY GOES POLAR Ozzy and Zoe Ozone invite the World's Children to Take Action on Ozone, Climate and Pollutants Ozzy goes polar comic book launched on World Environment Day, a special day by which the UN stimulates worldwide awareness and action to protect the environment. Tromso, June 5th 2007 Ozzy Ozone is the United Nations Environment Programme's flagship illustrated booklet series for children regarding stratospheric ozone protection. It is targeted at children between 8 to 14 years old and is devoted to raising awareness about the importance of the protection of the ozone layer. This issue of Ozzy Ozone, entitled "Ozzy Goes Polar", has been prepared on the occasion of the World Environmen...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 04 June 2007 20:05
Arctic Ice Island
This August, Students on Ice (SOI), an award-winning educational organization, will be leading a momentous youth expedition to the Arctic. With 75 international students, between the ages of 14-18, this journey will create an incredible forum for learning, discovery and discussion.
Traveling through the Canadian Arctic aboard a polar icebreaker, students on this endorsed International Polar Year Youth expedition will have the opportunity to learn under leading polar scientists and experience the Arctic through their own eyes. With hands-on activities and a focus on Earth Science, Flora, Fauna and Climate Change, this expedition will give a fresh, polar perspective on our planet.
Though the departure date is rapidly approaching, a few spots are still availabl...
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News And Announcements