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Thursday, 28 February 2008 21:16
"Field Notes" February 2008
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state.
Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska’s interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 25 February 2008 17:42
Connecticut students on Alaskan Ice
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state.
Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska’s interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 25 February 2008 17:38
IPY IPO's Rhian Salmon visits Alaska
In late December, Dr. Elena Sparrow of the UArctic IPY Higher Education and Outreach Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was pleased to help welcome Dr. Rhian Salmon, coordinator of education and outreach activities at the IPY International Programme Office in Cambridge, UK, as Rhian celebrated the new year with her first-ever trip to Alaska. Her two-and-a-half-week stay was filled with meetings, tours, and presentations, along with generous doses of Alaskan hospitality, as she became better acquainted with the IPY research and outreach activities in the state. Most of Rhian’s time was spent in Fairbanks, in Alaska's interior. There she had numerous meetings and discussions with researchers, administrators and other staff at the University of Alaska Fairba...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 22 February 2008 16:43
The Belgian Princess Elisabeth Station is Born
During the Antarctic summer season 2007-2008, the International Polar Foundation and its partners have pulled through an amazing achievement: the Princess Elisabeth station building can now be seen atop the Utsteinen Nunatak.
After a pre-mounting phase in Brussels last September, the objective of this year's expedition was to transport the station's modules to the construction site and to build the foundations, anchoring points, garages and outer shell of the first "zero emission" Antarctic station.
The team has been working nearly every day since November 2007 to complete these tasks, with a c...
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IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 20 February 2008 03:26
Out now: Cold sailing to Antarctica by Thijs Heslenfeld
Thousands of tourists visit the continent every year, most of them on board large, comfortable cruiseships. Dutch travel photographer Thijs Heslenfeld wanted true adventure. He boarded the Dutch threemast barque Europa for a journey of discovery to some of the loneliest, coldest and most beautiful places on earth. Heslenfeld sailed to Antarctica twice on board the Europa. Last year he did the full two month trip from Argentina all the way to South Africa. His Antarctica images have been published in magazines wordwide, including National Geographic Adventure and GEO Saison. Now his best pho...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 19 February 2008 21:51
Lucia Simion: Return to Concordia
By Lucia Simion
Far away from traffic jams, polluted cities and rat races, one thousand people are getting ready to live a fantastic adventure on the most remote continent of the world: They are the over-wintering population of Antarctica. Inhabiting some 35 different permanent stations scattered across a continent twice as large as Europe, they will be alone on the ice, where they will experience the polar night, the austral auroras, the blizzards, the solitude and the confinement. They will be more isolated than the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) as it is very hard to be evacuated from Antarctica during the polar night.
One of these stations is Concordia, where the overwintering began on February 1, 2008 for a crew of thirteen people fr...
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IPY Blogs
Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:56
OASIS brochures and opportunities
The Candian component of the IPY OASIS project has recently released brochures in four languages. OASIS is an international research program that studies how chemicals move between the Ocean , the Atmosphere, the Sea Ice and the Snow pack. OASIS English OASIS French OASIS Inuktitut OASIS Cree To learn more, please visit the OASIS ...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:25
News from Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
The light is returning to the Arctic and starting to fade from Antarctica, and APECS members have been very busy! As always, we would love to hear about local meetings, opportunities, activities, and developments. Please send any items or information for the next newsletter to
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by the 28th of February to be included in the next Newsletter. This newsletter can also be viewed on the APECS website at
1. APECS Meeting at AGU Ocean Sciences
2. SCAR/IASC St Petersburg Conference July 8 to 11, 2008
3. International Glaciological Society supports APECS Early Career
4. IP...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:05
Students on Ice at the AMNH IPY weekend in New York
This Spring National Geographic Explorer Will Steger and a team of young adventurers will bring their High Arctic dogsled expedition to educators and learners through multimedia dispatches on Follow Will and his teammates, all in their early twenties, as they retrace historical expedition routes on Ellesmere Island, encounter endangered wildlife, photograph disintegrating ice sheets that are collapsing into the ocean, mush across frozen sea ice, and visit an area on the frontlines of climate change.
Endorsed by the National Education Association, this Adventure Learning project includes standards-linked multidisciplinary lesson plans that explore how climate shape...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 14 February 2008 18:21
History of French Expeditions
Drawing South is a website documenting the visual communication of artist Nicholas Hutcheson from on board the ship Aurora Australis as it visits 3 of the Australian bases on one of the annual re-supply trips.
Nicholas will be heading to the Antarctic as part of the Australian Governments Antarctic Arts fellowship progam.
Each week of the 8 week voyage, a new set of drawings will be uploaded featuring the weather, interviews with people working in the Antartic, answers to viewers questions and the daily observations of things around him.
Part of this project is working with school students who are following the journey, asking him questions and learning about Ant...
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