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Friday, 31 August 2007 20:23
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: Arctic Frontiers
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 30 August 2007 23:24
Cape Farewell launches first climate change youth expedition to the High Arctic
Cape Farewell launches first climate change youth expedition to the High Arctic Launch: From 4pm, Sunday 9 September 2007, Southbank Centre, London Expedition: 14-23 September 2007 In September, Cape Farewell launches its first international youth expedition, voyaging north of the 79th parallel to the fragile extremes of Svalbard in the High Arctic with twelve students from Germany, Canada and the UK to investigate and raise awareness of the impacts of climate change. In a landmark arts, science and media project the young people will work alongside artist Dan Harvey, Professor Mark Maslin of University College London's Environment Institute and others to develop scientific and creative projects. The students will live, work and help sail the ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 31 July 2007 16:04
Vagabond in Spitsbergen - update
France Pinczon du Sel and Eric Brossier write:
Three years ago, Vagabond left Brittany and sailed to Spitsbergen. There she has spent three winters, frozen in ice for about nine months at a time. This year also, summer will be short — sailing in the fjords in August, then supplying and maintaining the boat in September.
Early October will already start the fourth wintering, still in Inglefield Bay, on the east coast of the island. This is where, with our three dogs, we are welcoming scientists, about twenty so far since 2004. They come to understand and forecast climate change in the Arctic, particularly the future of the pack ice, within the European project Damocles.
Sport ...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 19 July 2007 20:24
Teachers and Students on Polarstern HERMES-IPY Expedition
WP10 HERMES to the NORDIC MARGINS, POLARSTERN EXPEDITION PS ARK XXII/1a ( Coldwater coral reefs off Norway (72
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 07 July 2007 21:03
Ny-SMAC (Ny-Alesund Science Managers Committee) Seminar
Researchers and explorers will probe the Gakkel Ridge during expedition that begins on July 1. They will be using new robotic vehicles to hunt for life and hydrothermal vents on the Arctic seafloor. Researchers will use two new autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)--Puma and Jaguar--in tandem to locate hydrothermal vent sites on the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. (Illustration by E. Paul Oberlander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) More information can be found on the project website. ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 26 June 2007 11:32
Impact of Climate on Arctic Predators
The purpose of our study is to understand how Arctic predators respond to variations in oceanographic conditions. We will be studying Little Auks (Alle alle) at two sites, along the West coast of Spitsbergen and along the East coast of Greenland. We will be comparing the diets, foraging behavior and reproductive success at these two contrasting sites. The Greenland birds feed in cold Arctic water and the Spitsbergen birds feed in warmer water. We are collaborating with researchers from many different countries.
We have a blog to decribe our activities which we will update during our expedition. The team at the Spitsbergen site is made up of undergradute students and Prof. Nina Karnovsky from Pomona College, CA. The team at the Greenland site is led by Ann Harding and will ha...
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links and resources
Saturday, 09 June 2007 22:36
photos from Ozzy Ozone
Photos from the launch event of the UNEP cartoon book Ozzy Goes Polar on June 5th in the Tromso Library, Norway - on World Environment Day.
Ozzy and Zoe Ozone
Launch event of cartoon book Ozzy Goes Polar on June 5th in the Tromso Library accompanied by Ms. Sylvi Liljegren (Norwegian Polar Institute).
Ms. Anne Fenner (OzonAction Information Officer) and Ozzy Ozone
Children from Lunheim School in Tromso Norway...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 15 June 2007 18:37
Into the ice II
Read Part One Here
22 April
We have made a lot of holes in the ice for the instruments. Now we make a hole for our selves. I can’t wait. I rush inside to get my towel, then I am standing on the ice in woollen socks and swimming suit. I jump into the black water and it’s deeper than I thought but I don’t have time to feel if it is cold or not before I am up again. But obviously it was because then the kick comes that makes me love bathing in cold water.
When everybody who wants has taken a bath we pack and soon the ship is going again. We are heading north to find a drifting ice floe to work on and again there is the sound of ice crushing against th...
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IPY Blogs
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 14:49
World Environment Day June 5th 2007: A Focus on the Polar Regions
World Environment Day 2007 this year is focussing on the polar regions, in recognition of the International Polar Year. Two books are being launched today by UNEP in conjunction with this day. The Global Outlook for Ice and Snow is an in-depth report focussing on the state of ice-covered regions, written for a general audience but containing hard scientific answers. Complementing this Ozzy Goes Polar, focussed for kids, sees the return of our hero, Ozzy Ozone, on an adventure to the polar regions. ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 05 June 2007 14:47
Melting Ice-A Hot Topic? New UNEP Report Shows Just How Hot It's Getting
World Environment Day 2007
Tromso/Nairobi, 4 June 2007 - The futures of hundreds of millions of people across the world will be affected by declines in snow cover, sea ice, glaciers, permafrost and lake ice a new and unique report launched to mark World Environment Day (WED) says.
Impacts are likely to include significant changes in the availability of water supplies for drinking and agriculture, rising sea levels affecting low lying coasts and islands and an increase in hazards such as subsidence of currently frozen land.
An estimated 40 per cent of the world's population could be affected by loss of snow and glaciers on the mountains of Asia says the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Global Outlook for Ice and Snow.
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News And Announcements