Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: Arctic Frontiers
20-25 January 2008, Tromso, Norway
Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, 30 September 2007
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Reinhold Fieler
The 2nd annual Arctic Frontiers conference will take place at the University of Tromso, Norway on 20-25 January 2008. Hosted in cooperation with the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), a permanent working group of the Arctic Council, Arctic Frontiers 2008 includes a Policy Making Conference and Scientific Conference and will feature discussions on the associations between arctic oil and gas activities and environmental challenges, society, and indigenous peoples. AMAP will launch the results from its three-year circumpolar study, "Assessment of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic."
Sessions at the Policy Making Conference include:
Session 1: Social, economic, and cultural perspectives of arctic oil and gas development
Session 2: Environmental challenges of arctic oil and gas development: risk management and technological solutions
Session 3: Dynamics of permafrost and the consequences of climate change
Oral and poster presentations are invited for the six sessions of the Scientific Conference with its focus on the AMAP report, "Assessment of Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic":
Session 1: Oil and Gas Activities in the Arctic: Past, Present, and Future
Session 2: Social Economic Aspects of Arctic Oil and Gas Development and Indigenous Peoples' Perspectives
Session 3: Sources, Inputs, Concentrations, and Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbons and PAHs in the Arctic Environment
Session 4: Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons on Arctic Biota and Humans
Session 5: Status and Vulnerability of Arctic Ecosystems and Effectiveness of Regulations and Emergency, Preparedness, and Response
Session 6: Arctic Environmental Technologies
Instructions for submitting an abstract for oral and poster presentations are available at:
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Friday, 31 August 2007 20:23
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers: Arctic Frontiers
Written by Nicola Munro
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