Three years ago, Vagabond left Brittany and sailed to Spitsbergen. There she has spent three winters, frozen in ice for about nine months at a time. This year also, summer will be short — sailing in the fjords in August, then supplying and maintaining the boat in September.
Early October will already start the fourth wintering, still in Inglefield Bay, on the east coast of the island. This is where, with our three dogs, we are welcoming scientists, about twenty so far since 2004. They come to understand and forecast climate change in the Arctic, particularly the future of the pack ice, within the European project Damocles.
Sport expeditions are also using Vagabond's wintering location, where their supplies can wait for them safely. Photographers, cameramen and artists come by as well, to enjoy the unique setting of our polar 'oasis'. Among the 494 polar bears seen in three years, tempted by the many seals basking on the ice sometimes very close to the yacht, only one has climbed on the deck.
We are living together nicely in this fragile environment, which we enjoy and protect as much as we can, using a wind-based generator and solar panels, as well as a dog sledge, skis and even a snow kite. The great adventure this year for us however was welcoming our little daughter Léonie, born at the end of the polar night, just before the launch of the International Polar Year!
To better share our experience, we will be replaced on board Vagabond for the first part of the next polar night, and we will be in France for some events:
- The publication of the book 'Circumpolaris, Vagabond dans l'Arctique', published by Glénat early October (not yet in English)
- International Adventure Film Festival, from 11 to 13 October in Dijon
- Oceanographic Adventure Film Festival, from 26 October to 4 November in Brest
- Paris Boat Show, from 1 to 9 December
- The exhibition 'Voyages to the Poles', until March 2008 in Brest
For more information about our sojourn on Spitsbergen, visit this page.
Greetings from Spitsbergen!