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Sunday, 05 August 2007 04:21
Historic American Arctic Explorer's Artifacts to be Auctioned in London
Written by Glenn Stein
A historic collection of artifacts once the property of General David L. Brainard will be sold on September 21, 2007, in the rooms of London auctioneers Dix Noonan Webb. Brainard was the only survivor of the sledge party that achieved a "farthest north" record during the Lady Franklin Bay Arctic Expedition of 1881-84 (popularly known as the Greely Expedition). He was also the expedition's last survivor, passing away in 1946.
Among the medals in the collection is Brainard's Explorers Medal for the "farthest north" record, and a special Explorers Club medal commemorating the fifth anniversary of Robert Peary's North Pole discovery. Also included are the General's Purple Heart, awarded in 1933 for wounds received during a battle with Sioux Indians in 1877, and his ac...
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Wednesday, 01 August 2007 16:02
Penguin science outreach coming to Ross Island
Written by Louise Huffman
This coming November 2007, a team funded by the National Science Foundation will be stationed at Cape Royds on Ross Island, Antarctica, conducting penguin science. What's unique about this project, however, is that is has a large education outreach component, aimed at school students, connecting them directly from the classroom to the science being conducted in the field.
Education outreach coordinator Jean Pennycook explains:
For the months of November to February our team will be stationed at Cape Royds, on Ross Island, Antarctica, in the Adelie penguin breeding colony. During that time I will record the lives...
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Conference Announcement and Call for Papers
2007 Polar Archive Symposium
19-20 November 2007
London, UK
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Publication "Archive" Proposal Deadline: Monday, 10 September 2007
For further information, please go to:
or contact:
Kathryn Yusoff
Open University
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The symposium "POLAR: Fieldwork and Archive Fever" will be held on 19-20
November 200...
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Tuesday, 24 July 2007 20:35
Call for Applications: ESF-VR-FORMAS Conference on Global Change Research
Written by Nicola Munro
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (Closing date for applications (as well as for abstract submission): 17 August 2007). Utsikten Meetings, Nyn
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WORLD'S FIRST COIN WITH PLASMA EFFECT! The Royal Canadian Mint has released a $20 silver IPY coin. This coin pays tribute to the visionary scientists who established an international collaboration to study the earth's polar regions 125 years ago, an initiative inspired by the arrival of the first English explorer in the Arctic three centuries prior. To underscore this timely theme, this special-edition coin is being issued with a plasma effect from the cutting edge of minting. Only 7,000 coins have been treated with this remarkable technique to create the blue hues and capture the frigid essence of the Arctic as represented on this coin. For more details and to order the coin please see the ...
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Tuesday, 24 July 2007 14:52
Call for Presentations: The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society (CASTS)
Written by Nicola Munro
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS (JULY, 2007) The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society (CASTS), is preparing to hold its 8th national conference October 3 - 5, 2007. The Treaty Seven First Nations Education Association (TSFNEA), with the support of the University of Calgary, is proud to host the CASTS Conference 2007. The conference will be held at The Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Calgary, Alberta. The CASTS Conference 2007 is the only national Aboriginal Science and Technology conference in Canada. The forums of discussion will cover the following areas: . Health . Environment . Education . Science & Technology . ...
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At the end of August, an unusual expedition under Russian leadership will leave for the Arctic Ocean. One of the participants is J
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Thursday, 19 July 2007 20:24
Teachers and Students on Polarstern HERMES-IPY Expedition
Written by Polarstern Expedition
WP10 HERMES to the NORDIC MARGINS, POLARSTERN EXPEDITION PS ARK XXII/1a ( Coldwater coral reefs off Norway (72
The first 2007 issue of the journal "Polar Research" is now available Research in the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard is the focus of the first issue of Polar Research during International Polar Year (IPY). Biology articles demonstrate the moult migration of pink-footed geese, examine sipunculan and molluscan fauna and investigate carbon and nitrogen limitation in the respiration of soil microbes. Using photogrammetry to gauge coastal erosion is the subject of one article, while another uses direct measurements and modelling to assess snow accumulation across the Austfonna ice cap. Rounding off the issue, two essays shed light on an obscure chapter in polar exploration: Walter Wellman's failed bids to reach the North Pole by dirigible in the early years of the last centur...
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