The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society (CASTS), is preparing to hold its 8th national conference October 3 - 5, 2007. The Treaty Seven First Nations Education Association (TSFNEA), with the support of the University of Calgary, is proud to host the CASTS Conference 2007. The conference will be held at The Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre in Calgary, Alberta.
The CASTS Conference 2007 is the only national Aboriginal Science and Technology conference in Canada. The forums of discussion will cover the following areas:
. Health
. Environment
. Education
. Science & Technology
. Careers
. Traditional Knowledge
This eminent event showcases the talents and expertise of some of Canada's top scientists, educators, students, and professionals.
Presentations and Workshops:
The CASTS Conference 2007 will permit Aboriginal professionals and student researchers to present either "Contemporary Science & Technology" or "Aboriginal Science & Technology" or both. The conference organizers welcome non-Aboriginal presenters and delegates. Presenters are encouraged to include research topics that are relevant to Aboriginal communities. Conference delegates will have the opportunity to network with non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal peers and Elders.
Post-Secondary Student Poster Presentation Competition - October 3 - 5, 2007:
The top 5 poster presentations will be awarded cash prizes ($400, $200, $150, $100, & $50) and a free ticket to the conference banquet. Presenters are encouraged to incorporate either "Contemporary Science & Technology" and/or "Aboriginal Science & Technology" themes.
Secondary Student Poster Presentation Competition - October 3, 2007:
High School students are invited to participate in a one day poster presentation competition. Students will be required to attend their poster presentations
from 11 am to 5 pm with the top 5 poster presentations being awarded cash prizes ($200, $100, $75, $50, & $25) and a free conference registration.
Presenters are encouraged to incorporate either "Contemporary Science & Technology" and/or "Aboriginal Science & Technology" themes.
CASTS Conference 2007 website:
The conference website provides information on: the conference venue, conference agenda, on-line registration, abstract submission information, car rentals, travel, and accommodation rates. Check the website for regular updates on conference speakers, presentations, entertainers, and other information.
Presentation Abstract Submission Guidelines
Please submit a one-page proposal, no later than July 31st, 2007, that includes:
a) One page abstract and title for your presentation
b) Your contact information (telephone, fax, a-mail, and mailing address) and affiliation (university, educational organization, company, etc)
c) Your preferred presentation format (workshop, or lecture style)
d) Your specific audio visual requirements (overhead projector, PowerPoint, flipcharts etc).
e) Your preferred time requirements (20, 30, or 45 minutes)
f) Your preferred presentation topic stream: (Careers, S&T, Environment, Education, Health, & Traditional Knowledge)
The acceptance and scheduling of presentations will be determined by the CASTS Conference 2007 planning committee.
Submissions or inquiries may be submitted via e-mail, mail, and fax:
Philip McCloskey
CASTS Conference 2007 Coordinator
c/o Native Centre
University of Calgary
390Z MacEwan Student Centre
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Tel: (306) 281-4188
Fax: (403) 220-6019
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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Tuesday, 24 July 2007 14:52
Call for Presentations: The Canadian Aboriginal Science and Technology Society (CASTS)
Written by Nicola Munro
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