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Thursday, 23 August 2007 19:17
Poster: Climate change over the past 800,000 years
The aims of are three-fold:
To promote Education through Expedition
To report credible eye witness accounts of climate change
To promote sustainable technology for the future.
"Through exploring remote locations around the world I aim to highlight environmental issues within the classroom. Expedition takes us to places that few people have been to. To travel to a place and experience such environments first hand is so much more powerful than reading a textbook in a classroom. Through use of film and photography I aim to share these experiences, to educate and inspire. "
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links and resources
Monday, 20 August 2007 06:09
The Skies of Tiksi Russia
It is August 20 in Siberia and we are in Yakutsk, Russia en route to Tiksi, Russia. "We" are a group of scientists, program managers and infrastucture development specialists from both the United States and Russia. Tiksi is a small outpost town at the mouth of the Lena River delta, and the location of a Russian Weather Service (Roshydromet) station that will now also become the location of a new meteorological and hydrological observatory. This trip is an exciting step in a program that has been developing over the last 3 years to establish Tiksi as a flagship observatory in the network being coordinated by the International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA).
It is summer in Yakutsk and yesterday our local Roshydromet hosts took us on a boat trip on the ...
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IPY Blogs
Monday, 20 August 2007 17:53
Two down, too many to go?
Yesterday started out in the murk. Grey, with a visibility of about the end of your arm. Not much use getting out of bed I thought, thoroughly depressed. But as the minutes passed there were patches of blue that started to appear and by 10am the weather was worthy of a flight. We hustled down to the small heliport and met with Per who was pleased that we had shifted the coordinates a bit farther south and to a lower elevation. "Much more manageableā was his comment.
We did a quick, relatively empty flight up to Tugtillip where we had stashed all the gear. On the way we passed the Bluie One East Airstrip that the US installed in WWII. It still looks very useable. Once at Tugtillip we again left Abbas to fend for himself for an hour as we headed inland. He told me later th...
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IPY Blogs
Sunday, 19 August 2007 01:07
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Today we lost. And it started so well. Up at 7am, misty as anything. No view, no mountain, couldn't even see the airport. Another day of waiting for the weather to cooperate in Kulusuk. After a couple of days, there's not much to do in Kulusuk. But a Welshman and a Scotsman in the dining room of the hotel told us just to wait a bit, that the sun would burn off the mist in only a couple of hours. Before we knew it we started to see small patches of blue sky. Maybe today wasn't going to be a wash-out after all.
By 10am the airport was receiving flights from Iceland. The hordes of Chinese tourists were pleased, as were we, as now we had a chance to go and do something! We loaded up the helicopter to head north - the northern sites being our priority just now as the equipment...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 16 August 2007 20:15
IPY Introduction Presentation
The aims of are three-fold:
To promote Education through Expedition
To report credible eye witness accounts of climate change
To promote sustainable technology for the future.
"Through exploring remote locations around the world I aim to highlight environmental issues within the classroom. Expedition takes us to places that few people have been to. To travel to a place and experience such environments first hand is so much more powerful than reading a textbook in a classroom. Through use of film and photography I aim to share these experiences, to educate and inspire. "
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links and resources
Thursday, 16 August 2007 18:03
Greenland weather not cooperating
Written August 14, 2007.
(To see more photos by Mike posted on Google Earth, open this link in Google Earth.)
The weather didn't clear up much since last night. The mist rose but then hung around the mountaintops and the wind got up. Windy misty weather, I know it sounds like an oxymoron, but it is weather we see on "the ice" too. We tried to go north in the helicopter and got some of the way towards the fuel cache before turning round. We took 30 minutes to go north towards the fuel cache, but a "slight" tail wind allowed us to cover the same distance back to Kulusuk in 10 minutes. We repacked the helicopter with a different GPS site — it took about 10 minut...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 16 August 2007 16:02
New Zealand announces IPY Funding results
MEDIA RELEASE WEDNESDAY 8 AUGUST 2007 Antarctic research to benefit from $4.5 million in special projects for International Polar Year. Six exciting research projects touching on climate change and protecting the fragile Antarctic environment have been approved to mark International Polar Year. The projects have been made possible by a special three-year, $4.5 million contestable fund to support International Polar Year research, announced by the Prime Minister in May and administered by the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, "International Polar Year represents a unique opportunity for New Zealand scientists to participate in a number of important Antarctic scientific collaborations," says foundation Chief Executive Murray Bain....
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 14 August 2007 16:26
One step closer
The following was written on August 8:
Today was a good day. Thomas and I took off on a DeHavilland Dash 7 at about 10:30 this morning and scored the front seats of the aircraft, right behind the cargo, so we had loads of room. I was surprised about how busy the Kangerlussuaq airport was. We saw several Dash 7s land, they hold about 50 people, and a Boeing of some sort landed too. The Boeing seemed to disgorge people for a good 15 minutes. The plane to Kulusuk took about an hour and a half, and was pretty full. Air Greenland served a complementary meal and several drinks (which is obviously a bad business practice since non of the airlines in the US do that anymore) . The complementary meal was meat and potatoes. Does anyone else spot a pattern here?
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IPY Blogs
Tuesday, 14 August 2007 16:52
Superlatives fail
Written on 13th August 2007:
I am writing this on Monday night, with the sun streaming through the fog into my hotel room, and right into my face. There's only one desk to write at so I am wearing my darkest sunglasses. I could close the curtains, but that would spoil the view, which is pure magic. The mountains on the far side of the fjord are higher than the fog, and the icebergs are eerily poking through the murk and everything is changing from minute to minute.
Anyway, its Monday, but let's pretend its Saturday. Saturday was a bit special. No, Saturday was a lot special. So cue up some sort of flashback special effect; you can add music, if you like.
We were up at around 6:30 am, nowhere near the crack of dawn (which is 4 am and is spect...
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IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 08 August 2007 15:12
Greenland gets a new point of interest: NEEM
Conference Announcement and Call for Papers 2007 Polar Archive Symposium 19-20 November 2007 London, UK Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 August 2007 Publication "Archive" Proposal Deadline: Monday, 10 September 2007 For further information, please go to: or contact: Kathryn Yusoff Open University E-mail:
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The symposium "POLAR: Fieldwork and Archive Fever" will be held on 19-20 November 200...
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News And Announcements