Science Centres in China (Shanghai), Panama, Belgium (Mechelen), The Netherlands (The Hague), Wales (Cardiff), Canada (Toronto), Mexico (Mexico City) and across the US (San Francisco, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Monterey, Maryland, Wisconsin, Pittsburgh) among others will be holding events, showing films, and hosting discussions that explore issues around climate change and allow opportunities to ask and answer questions with experts in the field. An associated event will be occurring at the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, in Washington DC, called Mother Earth.
For more information, please visit the IGLO website.
But that's not all.... not only are there opportunities to learn about climate change and the polar regions occurring around the world, but scientists in Antarctica are also taking part in Live Earth. The band, called Nunatuk, consists of over-wintering members at the British Antarctic Survey's Rothera Research Station in Antarctica. The members are an electronics engineer, a communications engineer, a marine biologist, a meteorologist, and a polar field guide.
For more information about Nunatak and Live Earth, please visit the British Antarctic Survey's Nunatak webpage.

Photos from Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, and the British Antarctic Survey.