The National Science Teachers Association begins a series of
Web Seminars that are free and available to educators around the world on May 3rd, and several of the seminars are directly focused on IPY science. The first, Fragile Ice, will feature a keynote presentation by
Dr. Mary Albert, a senior research engineer at the U.S. Army ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab in Hanover, New Hampshire. Her presentation, "Snow: a Winter's Tale- or - Evidence of the Past from Snow on the Ground" will help provide the scientific background for the seminar. This and the other IPY seminars, "
Polar Climates, How Are they Changing?"and "
Impact of Polar Climate Change on Living Systems will be repreated in June.
The Web Seminars feature scientists and education specialists from the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and NASA, and are designed to help participants link to science expertise and engaging, hands-on, inquiry-based classroom activities. The seminars will focus on global climate change, land and marine adaptations, migration, the carbon cycle, and human impact on climate.