Calling all photographers - we want your thumbnails!
Poles ApartCall for submissions PDF
We are looking for your thumbnails, but before inflicting any bodily harm, bear in mind that we are looking for thumbnail images. Are you interested in helping to build a legacy for this fourth IPY? Have you taken digital photographs that tell the story of your work, or more generally of polar science? Please consider submitting them to the IPY-endorsed exhibition Poles Apart // Pulling Together, a project that celebrates IPY contributions to the global good. It only takes a few minutes to make your submission of thumbnail images, to be considered for this exciting project. Chosen photographs will become part of an international touring exhibition slated to premiere in Geneva, Switzerland in February, 2009. Those not chosen for the touring exhibition will be used on a gallery website showcasing the wider array of contributions. HURRY, the deadline for submission is next Friday, October 10. For details on the themes and application procedure, please read the full Call for Submissions ..
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Friday, 03 October 2008 20:08
Poles Apart // Pulling Together: call for IPY Images
Written by ANDRILL Team
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