The Outreach Board and Poster
In Beijing, capital of China, China Weather TV made a piece of news to introduce third polar day to Chinese audience, which was later put on the website of weather public service. On March 23rd it is the meteorological day. China Weather TV had an opening day to the public which attracted about 3500 visitors. Among them some were coming from primary school, junior school, senior school, universities over Beijing, the others were amateurs of meteorology. China Weather TV printed different educational flyers to hand out, such as disaster-prevention flyers and weather knowledge flyers, including IPY flyers. A weather presenter interacted with the public.

news shown on the channel

opening day
In Henan Agriculture University in Henan Province in Middle China, students union organized a polar day in the campus. Agriculture is related closely to the climate. As a very important part of global climate system, the polar regions attracted many eyes in the campus.

During the same week in the city of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province in South China, the Youngster Activity Palace organized a polar class. Following the experiment guide on the flyer of IPY, children tied the red signal to the long string with the teacher’s guide and explanation of the earth history. According to a teacher’s comment: ”it’s very interesting to do this kind of experiment. Children learn much more and have a bigger interest when they do the experiment by themselves.” In Nanjing Information & Technology University which has a very strong research and education on meteorology, the students union organized a scientific movie watching activity in the campus. Students saw the movie about polar science and knew the knowledge visually.

According to the feedback of teacher and students who attend in the polar day celebration, people want to know much more about the mysterious polar regions. They are very far from our country but are two big parts of the whole earth. We have a great wish that the Arctic and Antarctic will remain their original natural appearance and keep away from destroy.

University Students saw IPY educational film in the classroom