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Rhian Salmon
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Friday, 07 March 2008 22:52
Talk to Scientists, March 12th and 13th
On March 12th and 13th, four events are being organised where students can interact with scientists. More information on all events is here.
The following announcement describes one of these events, that will have a live connection to both the Antarctic and the Arctic:
Celebrate the International Polar Year (IPY) and virtually join researchers on IPY Science Day, 12 March 2008!
Interact with researcher conducting research in the Arctic and Antarctic.
These are real-time, interactive events where you can ask questions and view photos! Anyone can register for these events and participation ...
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Monday, 03 March 2008 23:06
Changing Earth Day, March 12th, Press Release
MEDIA ADVISORY: MARCH 12TH: IPY DAY FOCUSSING ON CHANGING EARTH download: English Espanol Spanish Francais French ??????? Russian March 3rd, 2008 On March 12th, 2008, the International Polar Year (IPY) will launch its third 'International Polar Day', focusing on our Changing Earth; with a specific focus on Earth history as discovered through paleoclimate records ...
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Thursday, 28 February 2008 02:50
Get Involved in the Changing Earth IPY day
Dear friends,
The next International Polar Day, focussing on our Changing Earth, is in two weeks. We have prepared a number of webpages, resources, and links to relevant IPY science. These can all be accessed from the link on (top right), or directly at
There are also three aspects of particular interest that I hope you can inform your networks about:
Flyers can be downloaded from the educators page at
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Thursday, 28 February 2008 01:02
Changing Earth Live Events, March 12-13, 2008
Four live events, that you can join via internet, phone, or at participating science centres, will be occuring between March 12th-13th, in timezones around the world.
For more information, please check their websites, or watch this space.
First Event: World Ocean Observatory
Technology required: internet and computer with sound
Time: March 12, 2008 @ 01.00.00 UTC
To participate,- download these instructions and follow instructions
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links and resources
Saturday, 16 February 2008 03:34
IPY Projects related to Land and Life
The first International Polar Science Day focussed on Sea Ice. The second focussed on Ice Sheets, and the third on our Changing Earth. The IPY Day on June 18th will focus on Land and Life. Return to Main Land and Life page The following lists IPY projects that explore the Land and Life at the Polar regions. Their webpages contain a huge amount of information, and the full propos...
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links and resources
Saturday, 16 February 2008 02:45
March 12th: Changing Earth IPY Day
On March 12th, 2008, the International Polar Year (IPY) will launch its third International Polar Day, focussing on 'Changing Earth'. The first two focussed on Sea Ice and Ice Sheets. In preparation for the next IPY Day, a page collating information about IPY and the Changing Earth has been prepared with information for Press and Educators, ...
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Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:56
OASIS brochures and opportunities
The Candian component of the IPY OASIS project has recently released brochures in four languages. OASIS is an international research program that studies how chemicals move between the Ocean , the Atmosphere, the Sea Ice and the Snow pack. OASIS English OASIS French OASIS Inuktitut OASIS Cree To learn more, please visit the OASIS ...
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Saturday, 16 February 2008 01:00
Educational Dogsled Expedition on Ellesmere Island
This Spring National Geographic Explorer Will Steger and a team of young adventurers will bring their High Arctic dogsled expedition to educators and learners through multimedia dispatches on Follow Will and his teammates, all in their early twenties, as they retrace historical expedition routes on Ellesmere Island, encounter endangered wildlife, photograph disintegrating ice sheets that are collapsing into the ocean, mush across frozen sea ice, and visit an area on the frontlines of climate change.
Endorsed by the National Education Association, this Adventure Learning project includes standards-linked multidisciplinary lesson plans that explore how climate shape...
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Wednesday, 13 February 2008 22:00
Changing Earth: Launch a virtual balloon
Launch a virtual balloon to show your participation in this International Polar Day: Changing Earth. If you have difficulty launching your balloon, email your name, location (latitude, longitude or town, country), and IPY message to
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
. It may be 24 hours, however, before your balloon appears. To see your your balloon fly immediately, follow these simple steps: 1. Sign in to Tagzania 2. Select "Post" (top right), then "Point" 3. Find your location by clicking 'Go directly to the map' 4. Add the tag ipy2008changingearth ...
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Wednesday, 06 February 2008 21:19
IPY Report: February 2008
Contents: 1. IPY Science Day: Changing Earth, March 12th 2008 2. Send us your stories! 3. St Petersburg SCAR/IASC Meeting, July 2008 4. End of IPY Celebrations 5. Workshop and summer school opportunities for students 6. The Legacies of IPY Report no. 10, February 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPY Science Day: Changing Earth, March 12th 2008 The IPY Science Day on March 12th will focus on change over geological time, especially the glacial and interglacial periods that have occurred during the past million years, and cycles of ocean- atmosphere interactions that give rise to r...
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