Here are 12 posters prepared for the IPY launch event on March 1st, 2007.
These accompany Dave Carlson's IPY Opening Ceremony Presentation.
They represent seven IPY projects as well as the work of artists, educators, youth, and early career scientists in IPY. There is also a composite poster of all these aspects.
They are very large as can be printed in high resolution in poster size.
Composite poster compressed: 17.5 MB
IPY Artists 616 KB
IPY Teachers 340 KB
IPY Early Career 816 KB
IPY Youth 416 KB
EALAT 5.8 MB EALAT project page
GIIPSY 904 KB GIIPSY project page
MEOP 324 KB MEOP project page
MERGE 2.7 MB MERGE project page
Plates and Gates 1.1 MB Plates and Gates projects page
ASAID 2.2 MB ASAID projects page