In the various sections of the site, users can find detailed descriptions (made by a teacher of the educational project of ANDRILL with the supervision from ANDRILL scientists) of all the phases of the research viz. objectives, methods, instruments and results.
The idea is to involve as many as possible students and teachers in the scientific process and adventure of the ANDRILL research. In order to support this, the site further contains: multimedia material (1450 photos, 20 videos and 10 audio), blogs, interactive animations, small online contests, chat and vdc sections, calendar of all the activities (meetings with schools and teachers) and an online service of enrollment.
Teachers taking part in the project can download a folder of teacher-resources choosing it in a set of 10 different topics related to ANDRILL and Antarctica.
The folder is made up of files useful for carrying out several activities such as lab experiences, suggestions of didactical unit, email contacts of scientist working on a specific topic, suggestions of visits to research centre.
A "schools-section" is dedicated to all the final products and activities made by, and with, schools: 50 in number from all around Italy in 2 years of activities of progettosmilla.it
For more information, please contact Matteo on {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "}