If there is one thing that we can be sure about during this expedition, it is that we can never really relax as we drift across an ocean of ice. Sunday night at 3am the sea ice came alive. Beginning with an innocuous grinding and tapping on the hull, the pressure and sound rapidly increased to a deafening noise inside the boat. At times a constant tapping as the ice squeezed and the pressure increased, then rising to a high pitched screeching like fingernails running over a blackboard as the blocks of ice slide by. Tara handled the onslaught well, being pushed in all directions we have now come to rest on a pressure ridge with a nine degree list to port, not huge but big enough to give us the impression of being at sea.
After a very busy week spent reinstalling scientific equipment on the ice, we have now recovered all of this material, including the radiometer, tilt-meter and CTD. We are once again in standby mode, waiting for the full moon to pass on the 5th October. As Nansen observed, we are also seeing a strong link between the phase of the moon and ice movement.
With all of the commotion outside we were still able to celebrate the passing of Denys birthday on Monday night. With Russian cavier, a leg of New Zealand lamb, and fine French wine we celebrated in style!