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We've been on base for almost two weeks now, which we have mostly spent unpacking boxes and testing instruments. This has been our number one priority as the last cargo flight before winter is on February 20 in just six days time, so if we've forgotten anything important, we'd better find out now! The last passenger flight is due to arrive on February 23 and that will take home the last of the summer base crew leaving just 26 of us for the winter. To get to know each other better and learn survival skills that could prove vital in the coming months, half of the wintering-over crew spent the last two days taking part in winter Antarctic Field Training. As well as learning the ins and outs of the most common types of tent used down here, we were also given a given a masterclass in making snow shelters by Brian Staite. What better way to get know your winter comrades than making castles in the snow? About half of us slept in snow shelters while the other half slept in tents. What did I learn from the last couple of days? I've still got a lot to learn about making snow shelters! The photo shows Brian inside a nearly-finished snow shelter.
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