Bella overseeing Terry’s heat shrinking of the new connections.

Bella giving the finished connection a final look before sending it down the hole.
Drilling then proceeding smoothly throughout the day, do a depth of about 93 meters. At about 90 meters, we hit more than a meter of what seemed to be clear regelation ice. If true, this ice was not formed by compaction of snow layers, but rather the refreezing of liquid water, like the same way that ice cubes in your freezer form. That this type of ice exists here implies two things – that some time in the past liquid water existed here and that enough energy was available to refreeze it. The latter implies ice temperatures at that time that were below freezing, giving the heat energy released by freezing the liquid water a place to go. This could have happened 100 years ago, or yesterday, as far as we can tell just by looking at it. But there was also some debris in the core which may contain bacteria or other living things that can help us constrain the date.

You can tell something interesting has just come out of the hole when the crowd gathers with cameras.

Ryo using his microscope camera to photograph the core.

A fairly clear core.

A section of clear ice with no bubbles.

A section of clear ice with some bubble layers.