Elevation: 2836 masl
Maximum and Minimum temperatures: -24 °C & -32 °C
We arrived in beautiful weather 5.30 in the morning and were met by a small delegation of representatives of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station and a photographer from PolarPalooza. It is an impressive infrastructure here – the new station that opened only a week ago is modern and contains whatever you may need – store, post office, games room, gym, computer facilities and much more. It was a big contrast from the primitive field life we have been living for more than two months. Later in the day, we had two flights to the camp and almost all of our ice cores were brought to South Pole. After resting, the pilot and his crew will continue the operation and hopefully finish it by tomorrow. In the evening, Mary and Jan-Gunnar gave a talk at the station. Nearly 100 persons gathered to hear about our traverse. Fresh news you might say…
- Jan-Gunnar
Photo: The first Basler flight has landed at the South Pole (Photo: Jan-Gunnar Winther).