3151 meters above sea level
Maximum & Minimum temperatures: - 22 to - 33 °C
We are now in a situation where it is impossible to get all our equipment to the South Pole this season. The alternative to go onwards with two vehicles and light loads, even receiving assistance if this light traverse experiences problems, was considered unfavorable. We would then have ended up in a situation where our vehicles and equipment were located at two different places at the start of next season. Thus, we have decided to establish a winter camp here. Personnel, scientific samples, instruments and all other gear that can not stand the cold winter will be airlifted to South Pole with a Basler aircraft from Antarctic Logistics Centre International Ltd. (ALCI). This operation will start on 19th January and we expect it to be finished on January 21. Next season, the traverse will start from here, continue to the South Pole and thereafter head towards Troll.
- Jan-Gunnar
Photo: The Basler aircraft that will be used for moving personnel and equipment to the South Pole (Photo: Jan-Gunnar Winther)
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse team, who are en route from Troll Station to South Pole Station. Much more information can be found at http://traverse.npolar.no.