Maximum & Minimum temperatures: -24 °C to -38 °C

We were prepared for temperatures down to -50 degrees C before we left out on the expedition. The minimum temperature that we have recorded so far reached down to -46 degrees C. The lowest wind chill temperature was -64 degrees C. The three first weeks, nighttime temperatures dropped steadily below -40 degrees C. The last week, however, both daytime and nighttime temperatures have increased by about 5 degrees. We think we see the first signs of the summer… This change in temperature is making the conditions much easier for personnel, equipment and not at least for the vehicles.
By Jan-Gunnar
Figure caption: Typical summer temperatures at Troll, South Pole and Vostok (prepared by Glen Liston)
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse team, who are en route from Troll Station to South Pole Station. Much more information can be found here.