3589 meters above sea level
Minimum temperature: -41 °C

One of the associated projects that we accommodate on the traverse is to collect samples for studies of concentrations of black carbon in the snow pack. Black carbon originates from the industrialized parts of the world and is transported to the Polar Regions through the atmosphere. Presence of black carbon efficiently reduces the surface albedo, i.e. how efficient the surface reflects solar radiation. The lower the albedo, the more solar energy is absorbed at the surface which in turn can reduce the albedo even more by changing the snow properties. This process is named the positive albedo feedback and is very important for the surface energy balance. Thus, studies of levels of black carbon are important for climate change studies.
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse team, who are en route from Troll Station to South Pole Station. Much more information can be found here.
Photo: Mary is taking samples in a snow pit. By Jan-Gunnar Winther.