3280 meters above sea level
Today was Thanksgiving Day in the United States, a holiday typically marked by a turkey dinner with family. Einar was well aware of this holiday, and had arranged to have some turkey brought along. Lou coordinated the cooking, and with help from Glen and Tom, managed to prepare an excellent Thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat with the turkey, fresh bread, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and mixed vegetables, with ice cream, sliced pears and whipped cream for dessert. The leisurely pace of dinner was a welcome change from our typical routine.
Sadly the reason for the extra time was engine difficulty on Chinook, one of the tractors. Kjetil, Einar and John worked on the repairs (which involved a problem with the fuel delivery system) and were done in time to join everyone for dinner, just as it was served. It seems that the problem has been solved and we'll make a fresh start tomorrow morning toward our next major stop at Depot 700 in a few hundred kilometers. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back at home.
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse Team, who are en route from Troll Station to the South Pole Station. Much more information can be found here.
Image: Thanksgiving dinner in "Roald", the living module. Photo: Karsten Müller.