Position: -72.7116, 3.7829
Altitude: 2786m
Air temperature (22:20 local time): -27.2 degrees C

Today we made another good progress distance wise, covering nearly 70 km. And the science is in full swing too! Helgard and Karsten have been collecting data since the start of the traverse using their radar equipments but today Glen and Mary started making their measurements as well. Glen is interested in the evolution of topographical features on the ice sheet and made surface roughness measurements. Mary, with helping hands of Tom and Lou, collected two 50 cm snow cores and dug a 1-meter snow pit. Snow density, permeability and crystal size are some of parameters Mary is after, from which she hopes to better understand the influence of the climate change on snow in low accumulation areas of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.
At the dinner, we enjoyed some glasses of wine and good conversations as we say good ye to the three Troll station members who head back to the station tomorrow morning. They, along with two large tracked vehicles (Prinoth Everest) gave us support in the first part of the traverse where steep climbs exist. Their support was definitely essential to the easy travel we've had so far.
This contribution is from the log of the Norwegian-US Scientific Traverse Team, who are en route from Troll Station to the South Pole Station. Much more information can be found here.