As citizens of the Earth, whether we live in the polar or the non-polar regions, it is our responsibility to understand the science behind these changes.
These pages suggest ways you can learn about the polar regions, Launch a Virtual Balloon, and observe the balloons grow on the IPY Global Community map. You'll see your balloons there, too!
IPY Global Community - activities around the world
The map is dynamically updated. As soon as a new location is tagged with "ipyglobalcommunity", it will show up the next time it is refreshed. Try adding yours, and then refreshing this page. (Only the 200 most recent are shown, but all are listed.)
Remember: wherever we live, we are all connected. Whatever we do locally will affect people in the polar regions, and whatever changes happen in the polar regions will affect the lives of people globally.
Check out what other countries are doing:
Malaysia: YAWA Press Release (PDF)
Ethiopia: Article by Belina Terfassa
Brazil: Miriam Almeida decribes how her class got involved in Sea Ice Day
China: Zhang Le initiated lots of activities on Ice Sheet Day
add your story here, and read it on this website, both in english and your own language by emailing Rhian on {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "}
Contact your National IPY Committee to find out what's already happening in your country.
Get Involved in Internatonal Events!
Every three months we focus on a specific aspect of polar research. These days include
-virtual balloon launches
-activities for teachers
-multi-lingual educational flyers
-press releases
-focus on relevant IPY science projects
-contact to IPY scientists
-live web and video connections to the polar regions and experts
These activities are open and fun from the day they are launched. Try one one and Get Involved!
March 1st, 2007: Global Launch of IPY
September 21st 2007: Sea Ice
sea Ice, marine life, changing climate
December 13th 2007: Ice Sheets
ice sheets, traverses, expeditions, adventure
March 12th 2008: Changing Earth, Past & Present
ice, climate, oceans, paleoclimate, Earth history
June 18th 2008: Land and Life
permafrost, terrestrial biodiversity, hydrology, snow
September 24th 2008: People
social sciences
December 2008: Above the Poles
astronomy, meteorology, atmospheric sciences
March 2009: Oceans and Marine Life
marine biodiversity, physical oceanography
Send your contributions and photographs to us, including:
Address Country
E-mail Address
Summary - 250 words
Khadijah Abdul Rahman-Sinclair
Leader, IPY Global Community Initiative
E-mail: {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "}
Rhian Salmon
IPY Education and Outreach Coordinator
E-mail: {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "}
Many thanks to Students On Ice for primary image