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Education and Outreach are integral to the International Polar Year 2007-8. Teachers and students have the opportunity to experience authentic science in real time. We encourage everyone to get involved in this huge, exciting scientific collaboration by visiting exhibitions, teaching and learning about the polar regions, watching films and documentaries, reading books, going on expeditions, and contacting scientists while in the field.
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Do some icy experiments and launch a virtual balloon to show your class's involvement in IPY.
This Educators Launch page suggests ice activities that you can do in the classroom.
Visit the IPY Youth portal for discussion forums, podcasts, youth activities, and more: for students and educators!
We believe that “less is more” when it comes to evaluating web resources. There are literally thousands of links to polar science websites, many that are very valuable for classroom teaching. We recognize that teachers have very little time to search through the many links, so on the IPY resource list, we have compiled websites that have been classroom-tested by teachers who are enthusiastic about their value for students. Often, the website will have many other activities and pages which are also valuable. So enjoy the exploring.
As the International Polar Year unfolds, we welcome feedback not only on the resources listed here, but on others that you have used and found to be effective with your students. With that feedback, we will build an exciting resource data base linking all areas of curriculum to polar science.
Please also use the comment boxes comments at the end of each resource so we know if you liked it, or not, and how you used it in the classroom.
Text for Short Lead Time page
These are resources and activities you can use in class tomorrow. You can also search these by keyword.
Please also use the comment boxes comments at the end of each resource so we know if you liked it, or not, and how you used it in the classroom.
Text for Medium Lead Time page
These are resources and activities requiring some preparation time. You can also search these by keyword.
Please also use the comment boxes comments at the end of each resource so we know if you liked it, or not, and how you used it in the classroom.
Text for long Lead Time page
These are resources requiring teacher preparation, special training, much higher level applications of data, or long periods of class time to use effectively. You can also search these by keyword.
Please also use the comment boxes comments at the end of each resource so we know if you liked it, or not, and how you used it in the classroom.
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There are thousands of participants in IPY: from scientists and programme coordinators, to teachers and artists helping to bring the poles to the public. This page lists information of particular interest for IPY researchers and organisers. Please send feedback on your project, how it is progressing, and what further support you need to the {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="IPY Programme Office"} or {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Education and Outreach Coordinator"}.
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For project details, please visit the projects page on this site or search the complete project database.
In order to meet it's objectives of interdisciplinary and international collaboration and to ensure a lasting legacy IPY is committed to ensuring full, free, and open access to IPY data as described in the IPY data policy.
The IPY Data Policy and Management Subcommittee is developing the overall data strategy and request that Project Coordinators fill out a short IPYDIS data registration survey to describe their data management requirements and plans.
For more information on IPY data management refer to the IPY Data and Information Service.
Education and Outreach
There are many ways you and your project members can get involved in Education and Outreach, such as contributing to IPY Blogs, working with local schools and science centres, or doing media interviews. Please contact {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Rhian Salmon"} to talk more about what would suit you and your project best.
Early Career Researchers
IPY is committed to supporting the next generation of scientists. Visit APECS, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists to make new contacts, look for jobs, and discover polar opportunities.
Want to register your activity with IPY?
Please see the Get Involved section of this website or contact the {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="International Programme Office"}
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The International Polar Year is a huge, interdisciplinary research programme focussing on the polar regions from March 2007 - March 2009. News stories will emerge of scientists from 63 different nations as they explore icy frontiers, undergo extreme conditions, learn new and exciting details about the earth system and monitor how the poles are changing. IPY also has a strong involvement by people who live in the polar regions, and on education and outreach. This is a great opportunity to raise public awareness of the polar regions, and share science and human-interest stories directly relevant to you, and your audience.
To be added to the IPY media mailing list, please contact
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Download these IPY Press Materials.
Our links and resources section also lists national press officers and sources of polar images and video clips.
Search this site for:
Press Releases
IPY News
Frequently Asked Questions and other Press Materials
We are currently developing our calendar so that events will be more readily accessible. In the mean-time, please use the pull-down menus to search events further.